White Irish Charity Worker Brutally Hacked to Death by Savage Black in South Africa – My Comments


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2004: S.Africa sells nuclear secrets to RED CHINA
Since the blacks came to power, weve had the Russians here, getting our military technology. Now were helping out those peaceful Chinese communists who threatened to nuke LA. This is a special article from the late Adriana Stuijt in the Netherlands.

[It annoys me a lot, that thanks to lying Liberals and Jews that whites come to Africa and some of them end up dead because they don't realise how dangerous it can be here.

In my early days on the Internet with AfricanCrisis, the most intense pro-black lying came from an organisation called: “Good news South Africa” which was run by Jews and funded by big corporate money. I did not know they were Jews at the time. I thought they were just lying white Liberals. But they were the first people I fought aggressively on the Internet. It took me and my website supporters about 2 years to seriously dent their credibility and to expose their damned lies. They faded and disappeared a few years later.
But when I first encountered them, they had access to the lying Jewish mass media inside and outside South Africa (of course!), and they were pedaling their lies everywhere.
Another group of people who also got whites killed were tourism companies in South Africa. They were hard at work also lying about how safe South Africa was, and people would come here and some unsuspecting people were killed like this. I lost respect for tourism operators who put their business before the safety of foreign whites.
I have a lot for the Christian website where this news comes from. I agree with their comments. Most importantly, LEAVE THE BLACKS THE HELL ALONE! AND STOP “UPLIFTING THEM”, giving them technology and teaching them FFS! LEAVE THEM THE HELL ALONE. We're killing ourselves by “caring for them”. Stop doing it. Stop saving them. They wanted to be adults and free, so let them be free. We must focus on ourselves. Then you'll see we'll be fine. Jan]

Another misguided White person who went to South Africa as a charity worker to help the “plight” of the Blacks was found brutally murdered in his apartment:

South African police have released CCTV images as they continue their investigation into the murder of an Irish charity worker.

John Curran, 60, who lived and taught in Churchtown, Dublin, was discovered with multiple stab wounds in Cape Town last Wednesday.

Police have now released pictures of a man in connection with the murder and are appealing for witnesses to get in touch, Dublin Live reports.

In a statement they said: “Cape Town Central Detectives seek the assistance of the public in identifying the person depicted in the attached photos.

…No suspect has yet been arrested although investigators are working “around the clock”.

Mobile phone carriers are aiding detectives as they conduct a probe into the murder of John who was brutally hacked to death on Wednesday.

A police spokesman said: “Leads regarding the mobile phone has been a challenge but service providers are co-operating.”

John was found dead in his apartment having received “multiple” knife wounds to his body.

Forensic analysis for DNA was conducted on various samples, including the knife, which was found at the murder scene.

For hundreds of years, Whites have been going to Africa to help “uplift” the Black race, and for hundreds of years Blacks have been paying back their generosity and altruism by literally eating them for dinner, raping and murdering them, yet remarkably Whites seem to be undeterred and continue to put their lives on the line for these savages. If the Black race were redeemable, we would have seem some results by now, but we haven’t. They have failed as a race, and without the White incentive system in place, even the best of them would backslide into primitive tribalism.

Of course, the jewish-controlled media quickly sweeps these stories under the rug and write them off as “random acts of violence,” and to a certain degree that’s true, but only in the sense that Blacks are violent, and they randomly attack Whites for no reason other than the fact that the Jews have taught them that the White man symbolizes everything evil in their lives. This kind of violence was far more rare under Apartheid, which was actually good for Blacks, contrary to how the jewish press portrayed it.

If Whites simply abandoned Blacks to their own devices, Blacks would be begging Whites to come back and help them within a few years, like they are now doing in Zimbabwe.

Source: https://christiansfortruth.com/white-irish-charity-worker-brutally-hacked-to-death-by-savage-black-in-south-africa/

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