What a key Communist of the Communist Party USA told Tom Metzger about Race
Video & Audio: Israeli Snipers were killing American Soldiers in Iraq
This is an extremely nasty story which I suspect has been totally covered up by the Mass Media. It appears this was well known to American soldiers and officers who fought in Iraq after 911. This story is probably classified.It is about (IDF) Israeli Defence Force snipers engaging in false-flag operations and killing American troops.
[Tom Metzger tweeted this short message which is important. This shows that the Jewish agenda and the communist party agenda are one and the same. The Communist Party of the USA is active, just like the South African Communist Party is. NEVER ignore them because you think they are “small”. They don’t win elections. They have other work they do behind the scenes that is very important. Jan]
Here is Tom’s message:
Leonard Patterson was the 1940s communist longshore head buster. He told me that the primary job of the Communist Party USA was mostly to promote race mixing. The Communist Party used to set up interracial sex parties back in the day. For the most part Communist Party today is represented by the so-called progressives. Forget liberal. I think they’re all dead
Video & Audio: BLUTCAST EPISODE TEN: Jews create White Inefficiency
These guys are very smart NAZIs with their own flag and uniforms and they are very disciplined. We had a really good chat about many topics. Eventually we had a detailed chat about how Jews mess up Western civilisation with their garbage and malicious ideas.