Videos & My Analysis: S.Africa: Will there be BLOODSHED? The arrest of Zuma & the firm COMMUNIST support for him


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Video: Video: How to fight the Jews legally
This is a video I did in 2018, about a White English South African named Snowy Smith. It‘s a fascinating story of a businessman who was destroyed by Jews and who in his poverty struggled to learn how to fight back in court.

Here are a couple of short news videos about the issues over the pending arrest of Zuma in the next couple of days. My analysis follows below:

Zuma files a legal application:

White Traitor & Communist Carl Niehaus stands by Zuma:

Zuma must hand himself to the Police by Sunday evening:

My Analysis:
It appears that Zuma was flouting his position and power and never quite expected that the courts would issue a warrant for his arrest. So now that this has been done by the Constitutional Court, which is our version of the Supreme Court, now there’s a problem. But it seems he has attorneys and they’re making legal moves. He is claiming that he (a) Did not have money for attorneys earlier this year (b) He suffers from serious illness and going to jail could be fatal for him.

I think it was another Zuma pal, Shabir Shaik, who got away with a potential prison sentence by spending all his time in hospital years ago. That was totally bogus.

Both excuses given by Zuma now seem utterly bogus last minute efforts to try to mess with the court decision. This is probably the best way to play the game since he’s ignored the court.

But his enemies are also at work, make no mistake, including the Black Jew Ramaphosa who is his competitor in the ANC and the ANC is split between the two of them. This is somewhat like when Mbeki wanted to destroy Zuma back in 2008.

What is most interesting for me are the Communists, the MK war veterans and the filthy White treasonous scum Carl Niehaus. Now there is a definition of a White Traitor – A White man who wears his military uniform of the enemy army. Anyway, the Communists and these War Veterans are standing by Zuma.

Probably the most telling event is that the ANC cancelled an NEC (National Executive Committee) meeting this weekend which I believe Zuma was due to attend.

That says to me that there is stress between the factions but that the Black Jew Ramaphosa is stepping back. That there is some serious stress here.

I suspect that the matter will eventually resolve itself through a load of nonsense that is used to prevent actual bloodshed and that somehow, the attorneys and politicians will come up with some junk to give Zuma a chance.

Personally I don’t care about any of this crap. What is of interest to me are the splits in the ANC. I like that, and I think there is serious stress among them all.

It would be amazing if Zuma was put in jail. It is all a setup because Zuma is no more a criminal than any of the other criminals before and after him. The Black Jew Ramaphosa is himself a dirty, dirty fellow.

It’s all a storm in a stupid communist tea cup. A fight between thieves …. a fight between fools.

But what I like is the tension between them.

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