Video: S.Africa: 2024: Is this it? Julius Malema will win the election and kill all the Whites?


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Photo: Apartheid South Africa: Whites Only Beach Sign in Durban city
This is an example of the types of signs that were all over South Africa in the days of White rule, under Apartheid.

[This is a link to a Tweet with a video that came from America. I don't see any reason to believe that Julius Malema will win. I think Zuma has a much bigger following, and remember the ANC is not dead yet. I don't take Malema seriously any more. When the Jews had me in court, and I spent so much time in court, I even got to see Malema on more than one occasion and I could even see his small rent-a-crowd. I don't think he has that much power. Jan]

This is the Tweet:
This year, the fate of South Africa’s 4.51 million white citizens will be sealed.

A general election will be held in a few months, and one candidate is surging.

His name is Julis Malema, leader of the EFF Party. Malema has openly and repeatedly called for genocide against white people:

Here’s the Twitter link with the video:

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Video & Audio: The Jewish Anthem for all Free Masons, Liberals and White Fools
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