Video: RW02 – South Africa’s coming Race Wars


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REVEALED: The JEW who rigged Americas 2020 Presidential Election: Michael Podhorzer
In the massive expose in Time Magazine in 2021, regarding the powerful secret group who manipulated (stole) the US Presidential election, this Jew was named as the main architect.

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This is the original Race War article I wrote in 2001 and which was published on Jeff Rense’s website. Jeff Rense said this is a must-read for all South Africans. In this article I pointed out the anti-white hatred of the black president Mbeki whom the Jews and Liberals loved! This long article became the basis for my book: Government by Deception and AfricanCrisis. I mentioned too the prophecies of Siener Van Rensburg, the old Boer prophet.

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Video: Heroes: The French Pilot who fought the United Nations alone in Africa!
This is the story of a French pilot named Max, who, incredibly, waged his own one-man war against the United Nations!

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