Video: Rhodesia: Southern Africa: What We Killed – My Comments


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Video: The Conspiracy to destroy Germany: How the Allies created WW2 for no reason
We take a look at a German documentary that is the BEST defence of Germany that Ive ever come across. This is from a German General of modern times who analysed the causes of WW2. In here you will see things youve never heard of before.

[This comes from National Vanguard, run by Kevin Strom. It's really cool. In Rhodesia, we did not have many people who had video cameras in those days. So it is rare to get some film footage like this. These were clearly white Rhodesians who were a cut above the rest. My family was middle class and maybe even more lower-middle-class. I really appreciate this film footage from National Vanguard! Rhodesians are bitter to this day I tell you. I speak quite often to a Colonel who was the head of Military Intelligence. I'm currently reading a new, and rather strange book about Rhodesia and assessing it. It's great seeing ever more data coming out. But I am concerned that with regard to South Africa, so much is hidden. It's not healthy to hide things. Anyway, this is a look into Rhodesia. Jan]

You can view the video at the link below.


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