Video: Fun Rhodesia


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Video & Audio: WW2 Lies: The Real SECRET Reason why Russia survived the German Invasion: The USA!!!
In October 1941, Hitler claimed that Russia had been totally defeated and it would never rise again. Modern Russians lie about WW2 claiming that they beat the Germans without any real help.

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I introduce people to Rhodesia’s most popular comedian, Wrex Tarr. He specialised in humour called “Fanagalo” or “Kitchen K*ffir”. This was a mixed language, like the Jews’ Yiddish, except it was made up of words from Zulu, English, Afrikaans, etc. It was invented by whites on the South African Gold mines. This mixed language allowed whites and blacks to communicate quite easily even though we did not fully understand each other’s language.

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White Shop: Very Beautiful Viking Ring Viking Motif of Pendant from Ns, South Zealand
Viking Age (800-1050 AD). The ornament is very characteristic of Danish antiquity and can be seen applied to various finds throughout Scandinavia.

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