Video & Audio: TeamWhite 2021 No 1: Tri-Continental: Domestic Terrorism, COVID Rebellion & Psy war on Whites
B.A.B.A - Boere & Afrikaner Bevolking Aanwas Program
Ons het ons eie BABA BOOM nodig soos Amerika gehad het. Kontak ons vir meer besonderhede oor die BABA-program.
In this episode, Alex Linder, Alison Chabloz and Jan discuss many topics:
Biden wants to get the White Right and White Nationalists to be declared “Domestic Terrorists”. A White Right influencer calling himself Ricky Vaughn (real name: Douglas Mackey) had told told Blacks they could vote by Text in the 2016 election.
We discuss the idiocy of COVID lock-downs and the dangers and lies about vaccines. A Corona Virus is nothing more than a Cold Virus and this is the 7th Corona virus.
We discuss European protests against the lock-downs. Jan explains the very rigid COVID restrictions in South Africa including wears a mask in your car even if you are alone.
We discuss the US election fraud evidence from computer data experts.
I mention the terrible state of the South African economy, that is experiencing the worst year in 90 years along with other problems in SA.
Video & Audio: South Africa: Blacks drown White boy in boiling water
Whites in South Africa, regardless of their background are the targets of savagery. Here we see how blacks came and killed a Portuguese family.