Die Beginsels van Die Boere Staat Party - Program van beginsels
Hier kan jy hul beginsels lees. Daar is ook a kort video van hul leier Coen Vermaak waar hy praat oor hul beginsels
Power fixes everything. Seek power in any form. Seek power in numbers. Seek power by talking, Seek power via money, seek power via KNOWLEDGE (especially technical specialist types of knowledge), seek POWER via politics. See POWER via weapons. Seek POWER via organising. Seek POWER in all forms. That is all that matters. Hitler sought POWER and that allowed him to change things. We are limited how far we can go until we have POWER and we must work individually and collectively towards ALL FORMS OF POWER. Get power legally … when we have enough power we’ll be able to play the BIG BOY’S GAME … the Elite, the Jews and everyone who has POWER plays dirty … We’re not ready for that yet, but we must strive for that … so that we can RULE COUNTRIES and have raw power in all its forms. POWER FIXES EVERYTHING, and POWER CHANGES PEOPLE. I’ll explain this later. But in the NATURAL WORLD, in the world of NATURE, all that matters is POWER. Ask Nietzsche. Ask Hitler. Ask Napoleon or the Romans. Jews and Blacks have far too much power in Western Society. Too many Whites GIVE AWAY POWER. That is VERY VERY STUPID. Never feel sorry for our racial enemies. Never give POWER to anyone. Seize it for Whites and keep it for Whites only.
Ten Years After Apartheid (1994-2004): The Raw Facts
This is an article I wrote in 2004, exactly 10 years after hideous Black rule descended upon us. In here are lots of statistics and short bullet points showing the nightmare that South Africa had descended to under Black Communist rule.