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White Shop: Tigers in the Mud: The Combat Career of German Panzer Commander Otto Carius
He was physically small and often underestimated, but once he took command of his first Tiger he found his calling and worked his way up the chain of command from a lowly loader to company leader. His exploits on the Ost Front became semi-legendary, but unlike some of his more famous fellow Tiger aces (Wittman, von Strachwitz), he survived to tell the tale first-hand.

My note to an American: Yes, there’s a bit of violence in Mozambique. Frelimo are communists. Rhodesia fought them – when Gary was there!! It’s been a one party communist state since 1974. The Blacks are only now figuring out that the elections are being rigged. So they’re stirring in Mozambique. We Whites in Rhodesia and South Africa told the Blacks decades ago, that they would be ruled by a ONE PARTY STAGE. That has been true since the 1970s (in brackets I’m putting the name of the local communist ruling party) in: Angola (MPLA), Mozambique (FRELIMO), Nambia (SWAPO), Zimbabwe (ZANU PF), and South Africa (ANC). Frelimo has been amazingly weak actually in recent years. They couldn’t even fight a couple of hundred Black Muslims. The only thing keeping Mozambique going is a huge French project to produce gas. Most of Africa is kept alive either through mining or some other mineral project run by a European or American company. The SUCCESS of Black Africa is a total illusion as you folks can see with Blacks running away from Africa. This can only get worse.

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White Shop: Rhodesian SAS Combat Manual Paperback
The Rhodesian SAS Combat Manual is a significant historical look at the small unit tactics employed by this elite unit during the Rhodesian Bush War. Not only is it a glimpse back at how the unit operated, but a lot of the material is still relevant today for units fighting counter-insurgencies. This book covers tactical follow-ups, ambush tactics, infiltration methods and combat tracking and more!

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