White Shop: Sun wheel pendant with chain
The Sun wheel is an ancient Pagan symbol of the sun god. It was engraved on wooden monuments built near the final resting places of the fallen to represent eternal life.
I looked into this story, and I will talk more about it. South Africa has about 2,900 troops in the DRC doing "peace keeping". There are lots of modern junk concepts that may have been invented either by America or by the UN. One of those junk concepts is "peace keeping". I won’t discuss this stupid idea now. The world works on a bunch of idiotic concepts, and these stupid concepts are tried in Africa where nothing works anyway. It’s an endless story of total failure, and *I LOVE IT*. I love watching the failures in Africa and I love watching the Blacks, who wanted self rule failing massively. I love watching the UN and even America failing in Africa. I love this to bits. I love it because the only time there was any sanity in Africa was when it was COLONISED BY BRITAIN AND EUROPEANS. The short period of colonialism, which mostly only touched on Africa for less than a century, bore wonderful fruit and the Whites who lasted here the longest (e.g. Boers – for centuries), Rhodesians almost a century, Portugues (centuries) showed what wonders could be achieved in Africa even for small groups of determined Whites. I *LOVE* watching EVERYONE ELSE FAILING WHERE THE WHITES IN AFRICA WERE MANAGING TO SUCCESS. Just last week I smiled to myself when I spoke to a Zimbabwean who had just come back from Zimbabwe. He told me it was raining so much and the Blacks had not unblocked the overflow pipes at some of their dams and so the water rose over the (presumably earthen) dam walls and the entire dams collapsed. He specifically mentioned Plum Tree and Tsolotsho. I love watching the failures of all the fools who incessantly beat the Whites of Africa over the head for everything we did. But, even as one walks around the ruins of Western civilization here in Africa, one can see the beautiful works and wonders brought here by Whites, *WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN BETTERED BY BLACKS OR JEWS OR LIBERALS*. The Jews and Liberals are only here to parasite off the country, to fill their bank accounts and they will run away when everything collapses. Returning to M23 and the stupid South African Army. The SANDF issued a statement saying that the SA Army was not surrendering to M23, blah blah. But the crux of the matter is that the SANDF is not ADVANCING, it is M23 who are winning and advancing and they captured the worthless city of Goma. From the video and photo footage I’ve seen, the SANDF is using high tech modern weaponry created by Whites in South Africa (e.g. Mamba, Casspirs, etc) whereas M23 are using bakkies (pick up trucks) with infantry and their most advanced weaponry are 120mm mortars. In effect, M23 are an infantry force. Yet they seem to be able to kick the ass of the Congo’s army while fighting South African troops and other UN troops as well. So whatever the stupid South African military have to say, the bottom line is that they are retreating. M23, from what I can understand, are themselves only a few thousand Black troops. They used to number only 3,000 themselves, and nobody knows their strength now, but it can’t be that much, and they seem to be kicking everyone’s ass and moving forward. I find it amazing that the SANDF, which possibly, by itself, almost has as much fire power as M23 is retreating along with everyone else. It seems to me that the DRC forces plus the UN forces (including SA), probably have more firepower and better equipment than M23. I’ve not seen M23 with armoured vehicles, but the SANDF have lots and so does the UN. It is quite funny to watch the globalist forces losing to a bunch of Blacks. It seems the "Black World War" from the 1990s, which killed millions of Blacks then, is also slowly getting out of control. *I AM LOVING ALL OF THIS*. It’s win-win all the way for Whites as we sit and watch the Blacks tearing themselves apart while America and the Globalists are powerless to improve things. This is one area where I do want to see America failing. The French were the only sane Western country trying to function in Africa. I love what I am seeing and I’m licking my lips because I believe Whites and White Power needs to arise in Africa again. I’ve been doing a lot of reading about American history, including some stuff about South America and Latin America. There are much bigger colonies of Whites in South America than in Africa. The White Race can expand again. We shouldn’t be colonising again, we should *CONQUER* next time and take total control of everything. *THIS IS POSSIBLE*. And that is the real lesson from all of Africa. Africa is a ripe plum waiting to be plucked by European Civilisation. This is the Lebensraum Hitler was looking for. Ditto for many chunks of South America I might add. Ben Klassen of the White Man’s Bible said the White Race should expand to wherever it sees fit to go. Hitler would totally approve of this. Our future can be awesome the moment we throw away *JUNK MORALITY* and we function as a group. *THE WORLD CAN BE OURS*. Stop listening to Jews and Liberals.
Video & Audio: What I learned about Whites by assisting Black Activists in Africa
This is about the difference between the struggles of the White Right compared to when you are among White Liberals. It is a completely different world, and here are things I learned from that time.This is about the very early years of my activism when wild things were going down in Zimbabwe and Whites were under attack and thousands of White farmers were being driven off the land.