South Africa’s Ruling Party: David Bullard excellent commentary on the disgusting ANC: The ANC’s big birthday wish
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Being still full of the festive spirit, goodwill to all men and all that sort of seasonal rot I wished the ANC a very happy 113th birthday last week on Twitter. However, I was forced (in the interests of journalistic integrity you understand) to observe that while the august liberation party had reached the grand old age of 113 it still behaved like an infant in so many ways. All this nonsense of calling each other “comrade” thirty-six years after the Berlin Wall fell. Whether this retardation is the result of some form of political puberty blocker or simply a desire to hang on to one’s youthful fantasies nobody knows.
One of the images I felt incongruous was that of our multi-billionaire President addressing a bunch of commies with the red hammer and sickle image as his background. The South African Communist Party (SACP) is rather like one of those weird minority support groups that wants to keep the memory and music of Bles Bridges alive when most of us would prefer to pretend that Bles never existed musically.
The SACP probably knows that it has about as much appeal these days as a Taliban owned lap dancing joint which is why it has hidden in the shadows of the ANC for the past 30+ years. Since it evidently has nothing to bring to the party it is quite content for people like Gwede (Tiger) Mantashe to draw a fat salary as a cabinet minister while doing nothing to advance the capitalist dominated economy beyond bragging about our vast reserves of hazenile and urging investors to mine as much of the stuff as possible. Unfortunately, hazenile is a fictitious mineral which is used to extend the life of lithium batteries and was the subject of an April Fool’s Day prank back in 2019. This didn’t deter Gwede from boasting about it at a mining conference in Australia. In a functioning democracy Gwede would have been put out to pasture years ago and properly investigated just in case any dodgy financial deals may have influenced his decisions over the years.
The choice of the Western Cape for this year’s ANC birthday Gabfest was almost certainly because of the reliable supply of basic services courtesy of the DA run province. Since most of the rest of the country has collapsed or is in the process of collapsing thanks to a toxic cocktail of corruption, cadre deployment, crass stupidity and disinterest it made sense for the ruling party to pick Khayelitsha on the Cape Flats for the party.
Deputy President Paul Mashatile was an early arrival as a warm up act for the main show. He managed to express just the right amount of faux horror at the conditions people lived in while conveniently ignoring the fact that we don’t all have gangster buddies happy to lend their luxury Cape Town houses to us in peak holiday season. Mashatile is a heartbeat away from the Presidency and many political pundits are saying he will be the next President of our great country assuming that none of the accusations of criminality ever stick.
But when do they ever? The ANC rule of innocent until proven guilty works extremely well if none of the potentially guilty are dragged to a courtroom to answer for their alleged crimes. Thankfully the National Procrastinating Authority plays a vital role in making sure that nobody in a position of power or influence should ever have to demean themselves by answering a lot of damn cheeky questions dreamed up by so called ‘investigative journalists’ or after receiving a dishonourable mention from that Zondo fellow. Water under the bridge and all that.
Mashatile did make the news headlines when his goons tried to restrain a man who was attempting to enter his own home where the DP was addressing the family. The man then ordered everyone out of his home according to news reports. This could well have been seen as an innocent misunderstanding were it not for the fact that Mashatile’s goons have previous form for kicking in the heads of motorists who got in the way of his blue light escort. Should we be at all worried that a man with rather dubious criminal connections and who is seemingly quite happy for his bodyguards to cut up rough may become President in the not-too-distant future? But maybe I’m getting a bit over excited… this sort of thing doesn’t happen anywhere else in Africa does it?
The big party finally happened last Saturday at the Mandela Park Stadium in Khayelitsha where the President gave his message for hope and renewal for 2025 after a few well-chosen negative remarks about the DA run Western Cape (where Cyril has built a mansion in Fresnaye incidentally). There was a story going round on social media that the ANC had left things a bit late and couldn’t book a much larger venue because they were already taken.
So all the jabber about wanting to be in Khayelitsha to connect with the racially oppressed residents was the usual ANC bullshit. This may have worked to the ANC’s advantage of course because booking the DHL Stadium in Green Point could have been rather embarrassing if there had been lots of empty seats. So the relatively low key Mandela Park Stadium was all that was left.
It’s getting difficult to know what to say at these events. As someone who was present at the President’s 2019 State of the Nation Address in the National Assembly before it was decolonised by fire three years ago I fondly remember the promise of a million new houses in Alexandra. And all those bullet trains crisscrossing the country between newly developed intelligent cities connected by broadband which would be advancing the new economic miracle in South Africa. Every school child would have an iPad and thousands of new jobs would be created.
This year’s promises are not quite as specific, but they are just as vague. The ANC is going to be renewed by ‘decisive and visible’ action apparently. This would presumably be the same ‘decisive and visible’ action that has seen so many dodgy members of parliament either being expelled from the party or being dragged to court to answer fraud and corruption charges.
Another ANC pledge is fixing local government and ensuring water and energy security … rather as they have over the past thirty years. The use of the word ‘fix’ here may be ambiguous. And then there’s accelerating inclusive economic growth and job creation. The key word here is ‘inclusive’ and that basically translates as a heavy slice of the pie for connected individuals, even if they bring nothing to the party. Precisely the reason ArcelorMittal has decided to shut up shop in South Africa which industry experts reckon could lead to 100 000 job losses and, worse, a dramatic shortage of components for the domestic motor industry.
Then there’s strengthening the fight against crime (yeah right) and building an inclusive society through National Dialogue which is about as vague as you can get. And building a better South Africa and world. This better South Africa will involve punishing all those privileged folk who opt for expensive private medicine by making them use the public health care system under the crackpot NHI plan. Obviously, this won’t apply to ANC politicians and their families who will still qualify for private health care.
The central policy of the ANC can still be summed up thus: punish anybody who is successful and creates economic opportunities without cutting the state in for a large chunk of moolah. Pretend that jobs are magically created by wishing them to be so and that economic growth has absolutely nothing to do with creative entrepreneurial spirit and hard work but is simply a creation of a forward-looking socialist state who want to radically transform the current deeply unfair capitalist set up. 2025 looks like being an interesting year.
Video & Audio: TOP SECRET: WW2s Biggest Tank Battle they never talk about
This was one of my 3 viral videos on Youtube before they quickly killed it. The original video was made in 2016. Look in every history reference book for the biggest Tank Battle that was ever fought and youll find they talk about the Battle of Kursk (or the Kursk Campaign). Heres the greatest tank battle in all of history and the fantastic Wehrmacht won it with ease, even when they faced tanks so new and so advanced that they had never seen these types of tanks before and even when their shells just bounced off the Soviet armour!