Video: No War has EVER been fought over Right Vs Wrong
Everybody I come across thinks that wars are fought for moral reasons. They think wars are fought over the issue of Right versus Wrong or Good versus Bad. At first this shocked me and I realised that indeed everyone has been conditioned to think like this.
I worked for all kinds of corporations here in SA. But many of my longest contracts were with banks. I worked for all kinds of companies including mining companies. I know banking the best and I worked in different parts of banking. One of my most fun jobs that I enjoyed was working for a Merchant Bank. Merchant banking is SMALL – very few staff – but they deal with the VERY RICHEST PEOPLE. I was the only computer programmer seconded to Merchant banking at the bank I worked for in the 1980s. Merchant banking is a handful of people, but when they show you the accounting, you see vast amounts of money. Merchant Banking is the most secretive of banking. In Britain they specialise in special banks just for the rich. All the Rich have their own personal banking staff. There’s a special term these days: FAMILY OFFICE or PRIVATE OFFICE. The personal bankers of the super rich.
6 Pics: When South Africa was White and VIBRANT! - The Hanging building!
This building still exists in Johannesburg. It was already built and looking great in the mid-1980s when I came to work in Johannesburg. Someone back then told me that the floors of this building are hanging. I did not quite know what to think of it, but its design is strange and when you look at the bottom, youll see the whole building is held up by a central column. (Just like those buildings of 911).