SELLING OUT WHITE SOUTH AFRICA: The Boers, the Jews, Dr Verwoerd and Prime Minister John Vorster friend of the Jews
Video: Corona Virus: South African Lock Down: Jews give Black Government R2 billion
When President Ramaphosa announced the 3 week lockdown the other day, he then mentioned that the rich whites, who own the South African economy, namely, the Jewish Oppenheimers and the Rupert Family...
[Here are some important points from an email a Boer wrote to me. I have comments I will write below it. Jan]
This is what the Boer wrote:-
The "Boer" conveniently doesn’t mention the white Cape Rebels who fought heroically on the side of the Boers. Prime Minister Verwoerd had his faults and weaknesses – he was an ardent Calvinist, but the fact remains that the Jews got rid of him because he gave the Oppenheimers such a hard time. He asked Prof. Hoek to investigate the power and influence of the Anglo American Corporation. Harry Oppenheimer’s big buddy John Vorster refused to inform the whites about the contents of this report. I recently read a very insightful book about the Oppenheimers that was published – with the approval of Anglo American, in the early 1970’s. The book is "Oppenheimer and son". After reading it I realized that these businessmen determined the destiny of this country by infiltrating the old Broederbond and National Party. Because of this influence the biggest Afrikaans church, the Dutch Reformed Church, decided in 1986 that Apartheid was sinful and unbiblical. Many of the church members were hesitant to vote for parties such as the HNP and CP and this made it easier for FW and his cronies to hand the country on a silver plate to the blacks.
Here are my comments regarding this important stuff the Boer wrote:-
The Jewish Oppenheimers literally OWN South Africa. The Hoek Report that Dr Verwoerd got, which was never made public, because Verwoerd was killed brutally, stated that Anglo-America, the mining company owned by the Jewish Oppenheimer family OWNED 70% of the ENTIRE ECONOMY OF SOUTH AFRICA INCLUDING ALL THE NEWSPAPERS.
Anglo-American is still around and it’s busy buying up farmland now from White farmers and it’s the largest landowner in the country from what I’ve been told.
The Broederbond was that secret organization the Boers/Afrikaners created which seized back control of South Africa from the very Liberal Jew-loving, British-loving Jan Smuts. Smuts actually played an important role in creating Israel and he was one of Churchill’s biggest pals.
I have done some investigation regarding John Vorster, whom I dislike intensely due to what he did with regard to Rhodesia. I have more to say about Vorster. There is stuff I’ve not published. I discovered it when I was busy with the Dr Verwoerd stuff.
John Vorster was originally a member of the Ossewa Brandwag (OB). This was a type of military/terrorist pro-NAZI movement in South Africa composed of Boers during WW2. They had a big membership. I suspect and guess that originally, Vorster must have been antisemitic and wise to the Jews. He had to have been to be in the OB.
But when Dr Verwoerd was killed, Vorster then became the Prime Minister of South Africa for many years until later PW Botha took over – whom I liked much more.
One thing I uncovered was that when Vorster became the PM of South Africa he was concerned that he was seen in a negative light by the Jews. So Vorster DELIBERATELY WENT TO CULTIVATE FRIENDS WITH THE JEWS!!!
So the weak asshole went off and deliberately tried to befriend the Jews. I have the finer details of how he got in touch with the Jews and then began becoming their buddy. I think he even played golf with them or something.
Vorster was just a weak prick. PW Botha was much better, and Verwoerd was unquestionably the best.
I want to find out more about what the Jews had in mind for South Africa. There is no doubt that the Jews later were working with the Broederbond and the Dutch Reformed Church … busy corrupting these things and rotting them from within.
The dumb Dutch Reformed Chuch, then later, whent he Whites needed strength the most, went and said that "Apartheid was evil". That, apparently, was a huge blow to the Boere/Afrikaners. Since I was never in the church I was unaware of the impact of these things. I only heard about it later.
Video: European Colonialism: How many Blacks did Whites kill? The MASSIVE Black Population Explosion
In this video I focus on the claim that whites just slaughtered and killed millions of blacks in Africa and I compare it with the actual population statistics of Africa.