S.Africa: Zuma Riots: Blacks stole guns and also 1.2 million rounds of ammunition!
National Vanguard: Kevin Strom‘s Search Engine for Whites
Kevin Strom wrote his own search engine and made it available to the public.
During the riots it seems the Blacks managed to steal guns from multiple gun shops. Almost all gun shops in SA are owned by Whites. I don’t know how many gun shops were broken into. But it seems they got into a couple.
However, it’s been established that at least 1.2 million rounds of ammunition have been stolen. So this is a concern.
I suspect that these Blacks will be using their new-found weapons and arms for specific politically related crimes in the future. Perhaps there will be a small, low-intensity war where they murder specific political or racial opponents? That might be possible.
I don’t think it’s going to be a huge thing. But it does look as if things will simmer for a long time.
It does appear that the main thrust of the attack is over and has pretty much been CRUSHED. It looks as if quite a lot of people have been arrested and more importantly as if the true ring leaders, 12 of them, are being hunted down by the cops. One has already handed himself in to the cops.
So it is very possible that the entire affair has been destroyed. But there might be low level people who clearly did get away with guns and ammunition and perhaps they will wage a tiny war, probably, of crime or assassination.
I do think that this entire affair will simmer for many years and maybe be the beginnings of other problems.
I think the issue of Zuma himself will last for years, and that we’re going to see other things happening.
I still think that over time, this may go away from being a ANC political split to being a ZULU thing and that perhaps one day, Zulus might even want to break away from SA.
But in the shorter term, it may be that the Zuma supporters will team up with Malema’s communist EFF and other hard core COMMUNISTS. They want to target Whites.
Is it possible that there will be more murders of (a) White Farmers and (b) Indians in Natal?
This thing was big. This thing brings a real twist into the future of South Africa. But generally, I don’t see it as bad for Whites. On the contrary, I see it as good for Whites.
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