S.Africa: Piet Rudolph’s excellent work helping needy Boer Children – July 2019 Report
Boer Cartoon: Kill the Boer! Kill the Farmer!
This is well said. This sums up what is valid and allowed in South Africa.
[I’ve met Piet. He does excellent work helping poor whites, especially with children and he publishes a report monthly in Afrikaans. He gives the monies spent in Rands (divide by 15 to get the US Dollar equivalent. Here’s his July Report which he emailed me. I’ve put the English translation at the top and the original Afrikaans translation below. Jan]
REMOVAL ACTION (1): Farmer Children in Need: REPORT JULY 2019
OBJECTIVE: 1. To provide a body that can assist the needy children of our BOERVOLK with food, health care and other foodstuffs where parents have fallen victim to the prevailing unhealthy political climate due to BEE and other discriminatory measures.
2. To encourage the Boer people to establish a joint care initiative to take responsibility for preventing the decay of our People through upliftment and care.
3. That no commonwealth go to bed hungry or cold, without shoes or in the shoes of others, will tackle life.
4. That all our People, including the auxiliaries, will CONTRIBUTE to the lifting action.
- That there will be a proper monthly report on the actions of the lifting action.
- FUNDS IN: – R 2 329.00
1.1 Transferred from June 2019 – R202.26
1.2. INTEREST: – July 2019 R0.92
1.3. TOTAL IN (1. TO 1.3) – R 2 532.18
2.1. BANK COSTS: JUNE 2019 – R 4.00
2.2. 5/7/19: Admin: data MTN – R 100.00
2.3. 8/7/19: ADMIN: PHONE Vodacom – R 100.00
2.5. 9/7/19: BABAKOS: R van R: PROTECTIVE BVR – R 250.00
2.6. 10/7/19: SHOES: Child vdbijlpark: protector R van Wyk – R 200.00
2.7. 17/7/19: Admin: VODACOM – 100.00
2.8. 17/7/19: Transfer for fees to pay SMS notifications – R 50.00
2.9. 17/7/19: ADMIN: DATA CONTROL AND REPORTS: SMSP – R 500.00
2.10. 26/7/19: ADMIN: PHONE: VODACOM: ORGANIZATION – R 100.00
2.11. 28/7/19: Admin: data: MTN – R 100.00
TOTAL OFF – R 2 254.00
- TRANSFER TO AUGUST 2019 – R 278.18
4.1. Other donations such as food and clothing receive and distribute to the needy.
4.2. Thanks again to all our contributors who make it possible to mitigate the fate of our women and children in particular. We are still looking for men and women in all areas to help with upliftment. Thank you to Heavenly Father that we can help more of our people, but especially the children!
4.3. Where possible and where details of donors are available, we confirm all receipts on fb Boerekinders in Nood. Names AND details are kept confidential. Where e-mails are available, reports are made.
4.4. Bank statements and receipts available for inspection where necessary.
4.5. Our blanket project continues. Money donated will only be used for it.
4.6. General feedback report is not accounting because we do not yet have the services of such experts.
4.7. Bank accounts
CAPITEC OUR CHILDREN Acc: 1526974779 —for food and medical that includes nappies.
GUARANTEE AND ASSISTANCE for “right-wing” political transgressions and also our Joseph’s Fund for the lean years- CAPITEC Acc: 1560324315.
COMBERT AND SHOES CAPITEC Acc: 1590516220 (Because we believe
no Boer boy should go to school in someone else’s shoes or barefoot. Even less cold or sick going to bed.)
4.8. We use Capitec because the costs are the lowest and even a R5 contribution is still advantageous.
4.9. We confirm once again: We are not doing welfare work but our intention is to assist and uplift the Boer people. We do not worry about the next meal, but the next generation. We do this in the biblical command in Isaiah 1 verse 17, though who says what!
4.10 Due to the full-time nature of the action; in the future we will have to use no more than 20% of contributions to combat costs to increase costs. This lifting action requires full-time attention and deserves it too!
Piet Rudolph: ADMINISTRATOR: 072 419 3516 / watsop 063 830 5959
FB Sheets: Farming Children in Need and Together-Helping.
email: [email protected]
REPORT 2: BLANKETS (lifting actions: project Farmers in Emergency Blankets and Shoes – to assist needy parents where necessary and to show our children that we care for them): JULY 2019
1.1. Received: JULY 2019 – R —.–
1.2. TRANSFERRED FROM JUNE 2019 – R 1 344.74
1 .3. Interest received: June 2019 – R 3.51
1.4. TOTAL IN (1.1 TO 1.3) – R 1 348.25
- FUNDS FROM Rack Blankets and shoes: Bank charges – R 1.00
2.1 TOTAL OFF: – R 701.00
3.1. 9/7/19: TRANSFER: FUNDS FOR Children in Need: stretch 1526974779 R 250.00
3.2. 10/7/19: TRANSFER: Funds for children in need: stretch 1526974779 R 200.00
3.3. 10/7/19: Blankets and handout: R 250.00
3.4. TRANSFER TO JULY 2019 – R 647.25
4.1. Where possible and where details of donors are available, we confirm all receipts on fb Boerekinders in Nood. Names are kept confidential. Where e-mails are available, reports are made.
4.2. Bank statements and receipts available for inspection where necessary.
4.3. Our blanket project continues. The goat-goat project with lots on our goat, RAMBO, continues. Money donated will only be used for blankets, shoes and school clothes. Draw on or near DECEMBER 16, 2019.
4.4. General feedback report is not accounting because we do not yet have or can afford the services of such experts.
4.5. Bank accounts
4.5.1 CAPITEC OUR CHILDREN Acc: 1526974779 — providing food and medical children;
4.5.2 CAPITEC GUARANTEE AND ASSISTANCE Account: 1560324315 for “right-wing” political transgressions and also our “Joseph’s Fund” for the lean years-
4.5.3 CAPITEC COMBERS AND SHOES Acc: 1560324315 (Because we believe no Boerekind should go to school in someone else’s shoes or barefoot. Even less cold to sleep!
4.6. We use Capitec because the costs are the lowest and even a R5 contribution is still advantageous.
4.7. Help us build the Boer people of tomorrow and create a stand for today’s generation!
4.8. We confirm once again: We are not doing welfare work but our intention is to assist and uplift the Boer people. We do not worry about the next meal, but the next generation. We do this in the biblical command in Isaiah 1 verse 17, though who says what!
Piet Rudolph: ADMINISTRATOR: 072 419 3516 / watsop 063 830 5959
FB Sheets: Farming Children in Need and Together-Helping.
email: [email protected]
- MISSION: To set up an emergency fund for assistance to political victims and next of kin. Also as legal aid for people arrested, charged and detained because they differ from the government of the day.
- The aim is to have at least R30 000 in hand as bail money.
- Also as a Joseph’s fund for use in lean years.
- Currently, the fund is also used to supplement Boer Children in Need if sufficient funds are not available.
1.1. TRANSFERRED from June 2019 – R2 874.40
1.2. CONTRIBUTION FOR JULY 2019 – R 750.00
1.3. Interest earned JULY 2019: R 11.93
TOTAL IN: – R 3 636.33
2.1 Bank charges – R 2.00
2.2. 16/7/19: LOAN: PURCHASES: REFUND ON 16/7/19 – R 450.00
2.3. 17/7/19: TRANSFER: RISK OF FUNDS from Children in Need – R 550.00
2.4. 27/7/19: Fuel distribution food & donations – R 150.00
TOTAL OFF: – R 1 152.00
- TRANSFER TO July 2019 – R2 484.33
Piet Rudolph: ADMINISTRATOR: 072 419 3516 / watsop 063 830 5959
FB Sheets: Farming Children in Need and Together-Helping.
email: [email protected]
OPHEFFINGSAKSIE (1): Boerekinders in Nood: VERSLAG JULIE 2019
DOELWIT:1. Om ‘n liggaam daar te stel wat die behoeftige kinders van ons BOEREVOLK kan bystaan met kos,gesondheidsorg en ander lewensmiddele waar ouers die slagoffers geword het van die heersende ongesonde politieke klimaat, te wyte aan BEE en ander diskriminerende maatreëls.
2. Om die Boervolk aan te moedig om ‘n gesamentlike versorgingsinisiatief daar te stel om verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar om verval van ons Volk te verhoed deur opheffing en versorging.
3. Dat geen volkskind honger of koud sal gaan slaap nie, sonder skoene of in ander se skoene, die lewenstog sal aanpak nie.
4. Dat al ons Volksgenote insluitende die geholpenes, sal BYDRAE tot die opheffingsaksie.
- Dat daar maandeliks behoorlik verslag gedoen sal word in die openbaar oor die opheffingsaksie se doen en late.
- FONDSE IN: —R 2 329.00
1.1 OORGEDRA vanaf Junie 2019 — R202.26
1.2. RENTE: — Julie 2019 R0.92
1.3. TOTAAL IN (1. TOT 1.3) — R 2 532.18
2.1. BANKKOSTE: JUNIE 2019 — R 4.00
2.2. 5/7/19: Admin: data MTN – R 100.00
2.3. 8/7/19: ADMIN: FOON Vodacom – R 100.00
2.4. 8/7/19: KOS, MELK EN DOEKE: KIND: BRITNEY DE K – R 750.00
2.5. 9/7/19: BABAKOS: R van R: BESKERMHEER BVR – R 250.00
2.6. 10/7/19: SKOENE: Kind vdbijlpark: beskermvrou R van Wyk – R 200.00
2.7. 17/7/19: Admin: VODACOM – 100.00
2.8. 17/7/19: OORDRAG vir fooie te betaal SMS-kennisgewings – R 50.00
2.9. 17/7/19: ADMIN: DATABEHEER EN VERSLAE: SMSP – R 500.00
2.10. 26/7/19: ADMIN: FOON: VODACOM: ORGANISASIE – R 100.00
2.11. 28/7/19: Admin: data: MTN – R 100.00
TOTAAL UIT — R 2 254.00
- OORGEDRA na AUGUSTUS 2019 – R 278.18
4.1. Ander skenkings soos kos en klere ontvang en versprei na behoeftiges.
4.2. Nogmaals dankie aan al ons bydraers wat dit moontlik maak om veral ons vroue en kinders se lot te versag. Ons is steeds op soek na mans en vroue in alle areas om te help met opheffing. Ons dank aan die Hemelse Vader dat ons al meer van ons volksgenote, maar veral die kindertjies kan help!
4.3. Waar moontlik en waar besonderhede van skenkers beskikbaar is bevestig ons op fb Boerekinders in Nood alle ontvangste. Name EN besonderhede word vertroulik behandel. Waar e/posse beskikbaar is word verslag gedoen.
4.4. Bankstate en kwitansies waar nodig ter insae beskikbaar.
4.5. Ons kombersprojek gaan voort. Geld daarvoor geskenk, sal net daarvoor gebruik word.
4.6. Algemene terugvoeringsverslag is nie boekhoukundig nie omdat ons nog nie oor die dienste van sodanige kundiges beskik nie.
4.7. Bankrekenings
CAPITEC ONS KINDERS Rek: 1526974779 —vir kos en medies wat doeke insluit.
BORG EN BYSTAND vir “regse” politieke oortredings en ook ons Josefsfonds vir die maer jare- CAPITEC Rek: 1560324315.
KOMBERSE EN SKOENE CAPITEC Rek: 1590516220 (Omdat ons glo
geen Boerekind moet in iemand anders se skoene of kaalvoet, skooltoe gaan nie. Nog minder koud cf siek gaan slaap.)
4.8. Ons maak gebruik van Capitec omdat die kostes die laagste is en selfs ‘n R5 bydrae steeds voordelig is.
4.9. Ons bevestig weereens: Ons doen nie welsynswerk nie maar ons bedoeling is om die Boerevolk by te staan en op te hef. Ons bekommer ons nie oor die volgende ete nie, maar wel oor die volgende geslag. Dit doen ons in die Bybelse opdrag in Jesaja 1 vers 17, al sê wie wat!
4.10 As gevolg van die voltydse aard van die aksie; die vermeerdering van die kostes sal ons in die teokoms nie meer as 20% van bydraes, moet aanwend om kostes te bestry. Hierdie opheffingsaksie verg voltydse aandag en verdien dit ook!
Piet Rudolph: ADMINISTRATEUR: 072 419 3516 /watsop 063 830 5959
FB-blaaie: Boerekinders in Nood en Saamstaan-Helpmekaar.
e/pos: [email protected]
VERSLAG 2: KOMBERSE (opheffingsaksies: projekBoerekinders in Nood- Komberse en Skoene- om behoeftige ouers waar nodig by te staan en vir ons kinders te wys dat ons vir hulle omgee): JULIE 2019
1.1. Ontvang: JULIE 2019 — R —.–
1.2. OORGEDRA vanaf JUNIE 2019 — R 1 344.74
1 .3. Rente ontvang: Junie 2019 — R 3.51
1.4. TOTAAL IN (1.1 TOT 1.3) — R 1 348.25
- FONDSE UIT Rek Komberse en skoene: Bankkoste —R 1.00
2.1 TOTAAL UIT: — R 701.00
3.1. 9/7/19: OORPLASING: FONDSE NA Kinders in Nood:rek 1526974779 R 250.00
3.2. 10/7/19: OORPLASING: FONDSE NA kinders in Nood: rek 1526974779 R 200.00
3.3. 10/7/19: Komberse en uitdeel: R 250.00
3.4. OORGEDRA na JULIE 2019 — R 647.25
4.1. Waar moontlik en waar besonderhede van skenkers beskikbaar is bevestig ons op fb Boerekinders in Nood alle ontvangste. Name word vertroulik behandel. Waar e/posse beskikbaar is word verslag gedoen.
4.2. Bankstate en kwitansies waar nodig ter insae beskikbaar.
4.3. Ons kombersprojek gaan voort. Die bok-bok projek met lootjies op ons bok, RAMBO, gaan voort. Geld daarvoor geskenk, sal net vir komberse, skoene en skoolklere gebruik word.Loting op of naby 16 DESEMBER 2019.
4.4. Algemene terugvoeringsverslag is nie boekhoukundig nie omdat ons nog nie oor die dienste van sodanige kundiges beskik of dit kan bekostig nie.
4.5. Bankrekenings
4.5.1 CAPITEC ONS KINDERS Rek: 1526974779 —versorging kos en medies kinders;
4.5.2 CAPITEC BORG EN BYSTAND Rek: 1560324315 vir “regse” politieke oortredings en ook ons “Josefsfonds” vir die maer jare-
4.5.3 CAPITEC KOMBERSE EN SKOENE Rek: 1560324315 (Omdat ons glo geen Boerekind moet in iemand anders se skoene of kaalvoet, skooltoe gaan nie. Nog minder koud gaan slaap!
4.6. Ons maak gebruik van Capitec omdat die kostes die laagste is en selfs ‘n R5 bydrae steeds voordelig is.
4.7. Help ons bou aan die Boervolk van more en skep ‘n staanplek vir die geslag van vandag!
4.8. Ons bevestig weereens: Ons doen nie welsynswerk nie maar ons bedoeling is om die Boerevolk by te staan en op te hef. Ons bekommer ons nie oor die volgende ete nie, maar wel oor die volgende geslag. Dit doen ons in die Bybelse opdrag in Jesaja 1 vers 17, al sê wie wat!
Piet Rudolph: ADMINISTRATEUR: 072 419 3516 /watsop 063 830 5959
FB-blaaie: Boerekinders in Nood en Saamstaan-Helpmekaar.
e/pos: [email protected]
BORG EN BYSTANDSFONDS (opheffingsaksies): JULIE 2019
- MISSIE: Om ‘n noodfonds daar te stel vir bystand aan politieke slagoffers en naasbestaandes. Ook as regshulp vir volksgenote wat gearresteer, aangekla en aangehou word, omdat hulle van die regering van die dag verskil.
- Die oogmerk is om ‘n bedrag van minstens R30 000 op hand te hê as borggeld.
- Ook as ‘n Josef’s fonds vir gebruik in maerjare.
- Tans word die fonds ook aangewend ter aanvulling van Boerekinders in Nood as genoegsame fondse nie beskibaar is nie.
1.1. OORGEDRA vanaf Junie 2019 — R2 874.40
1.2. BYDRAE vir JULIE 2019 — R 750.00
1.3. Rente verdien JULIE 2019: R 11.93
TOTAAL IN: — R 3 636.33
2.1 Bankkoste — R 2.00
2.2. 16/7/19: LENING: AANKOPE: TERUGBETAAL OP 16/7/19 — R 450.00
2.3. 17/7/19: OORPLASING: STYWING VAN FONDSE uit Kinders in Nood — R 550.00
2.4. 27/7/19: Brandstof verspreiding kos & skenkings — R 150.00
TOTAAL UIT: — R 1 152.00
- OORGEDRA NA Julie 2019 — R2 484.33
Piet Rudolph: ADMINISTRATEUR: 072 419 3516 /watsop 063 830 5959
FB-blaaie: Boerekinders in Nood en Saamstaan-Helpmekaar.
e/pos: [email protected]
22 Reasons why Adolf Hitler was a GOOD GUY!
Jews have been lying to you all your life about Adolf Hitler. He was the good guy. Here are the truths about Hitler you were never told.