S.Africa: Land Seizure without Compensation: Economic collapse – A Political party will fight this in court!


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Video: 50 Years of Race War in southern Africa presented by Jan in Canada
This lecture is JAM PACKED with tons of facts about us Whites in southern Africa and the wars we fought against Black Communists and AGAINST BLACK RULE. We did NOT want to be ruled by Blacks.In this lecture, I show photos and also videos about many of the key things that happened between us and the Blacks. This is primarily a presentation of how we fought wars over decades, even though there were only a few of us.

[I received an email from one of the Political Parties that I’m on the mailing list of. One of their Afrikaans members of Parliament said that they would be taking this land seizure to court. I’m not sure if anything can come from this. These courts, judges, etc are useless. The system is useless. What is one going to say? That the Govt can’t change the laws? That’s what the scum are there for. Let’s see what they do. Personally, I have said that I think this issue is important enough to go to war over. Jan]

Fellow South African,

We are stepping up our fight against land expropriation without compensation!

Following the Land Reform Panel’s green light earlier this month for land expropriation without compensation to go ahead, we are preparing for potential court action in the Constitutional Court, and we believe we have a strong case.

Expropriation without compensation could be in violation of Section 1 of the Constitution, but we need your support to start a court battle with the ANC government.

If we do not act soon this constitutional amendment will collapse the South African economy, which is already on life-support, because it will allow the ANC government to change the Constitution to allow land, homes and businesses to be taken without paying for them – infringing on your democratic right to own property.

Meaningful land reform can, and must, take place but with our democratic Constitution and your property rights intact.

Please consider making a donation. Help us take this corrupt government to court!

Warm regards,

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S.Africa: AIDS madness: Blacks having sex with: Dogs, Goats and Donkeys
AIDS is making Blacks crazy in so many ways. First it was the raping of babies which has not stopped. But now they are turning to bestiality. I have mentioned such stories in the past and put them on the site.

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