S.Africa: DA: Jews and Globalist White Liberals lay corruption charges against Black Communist Blade Nzimande
Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: The Incredible White Heroes of the USA: Rockwell, Bob Mathews & more
This is a very important interview. Tom tells of many things that in US Right Wing history that have been forgotten.
[Blade Nzimande is a long standing hard core communist. But it seems he's been stealing money. I don't doubt that he has been stealing. The DA has MONEY which the rest of the Whites don't have. So they are doing this. Jan]
ActionSA files criminal charges against Minister Nzimande and NSFAS Board Chairperson for corruption
9 January 2024
ActionSA has filed criminal charges against the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Blade Nzimande, and National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) Board Chairperson, Ernest Khosa, for contravening the Prevention and Combating Of Corrupt Activities Act.
This action comes in response to the allegations that the Minister and Board Chairperson were involved in a fraudulent scheme orchestrated by corrupt tenderpreneurs to loot NSFAS. Aided by the protection of the pair, contractors allegedly paid them kickbacks to secure lucrative contracts and shield themselves from scrutiny.
ActionSA further rejects Minister Nzimande’s theatrical attempt at a press conference, yesterday, to evade accountability through a laughable tale of being the victim of an ‘elite’ conspiracy. Such delusions are unworthy of serious consideration.
In undermining the principles of transparency and accountability, Minister Nzimande resorts to invoking racial undertones to shield himself from scrutiny – a tactic befitting someone caught red-handed with his grubby hands in the cookie jar.
Furthermore, Minister Nzimande lacks the authority to speak on behalf of poor students, given his track record marred by a shameful combination of mismanagement, cronyism and corruption, which has only exacerbated the disenfranchisement of poor students.
ActionSA is committed to ensuring that justice prevails for the nearly 1 million students who suffered as a consequence of this fraud and the corrupt dealings involving a syndicate of corrupt tenderpreneurs, government officials, and public office bearers.
Issued by Hluphi Gafane, Youth Forum Chairperson, ActionSA, 9 January 2024
Hitler‘s views were based on science and history. He was actually an ardent advocate of all White expansion and Colonisation.