S.Africa: Copper theft is rampant: 5 Heuningvlei copper thieves in court


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[Blacks cut electric cables and steal copper a *LOT*. This goes on daily. Jan]

Five men accused of stealing 222kg of copper in the Heuningsvlei, appeared in the Mothibistad Magistrates’ Court on 22 May 2023.

Four of the accused received R500-00 bail and the case was postponed to 21 June 2023.

The five accused known as Abdul Sakoor, Jackson Mojorosi, Thato Motlhanke, Earnest Malefane received bail while the fifth accused, Patrick Dube was denied bail and remains in custody.

The accused are between 33 and 60-years-old and were arrested on 12 May 2023 when they were spotted in the veld close to an Eskom Power station, near Morekweng village, Heiningsvlei.

Eskom Security contacted the police and a chase ensued. The suspects were arrested not far from the scene.

Police confiscated tools including a grinder, plyers, screwdrivers and knives as well as the two Ford Ranger bakkies.

Further investigation led police to the discovery of seven rolls of copper worth approximately R40 000-00 that was stashed in the veld close to the power station.

The Provincial Commissioner, Lt Gen Koliswa Otola reiterated that tampering/destroying of essential infrastructure is one of her priorities in fighting crime and commended the Heuningsvlei Visible Policing unit and Eskom Security Services for quick response and outstanding arrest.

This incident left Heuningsvlei without power for 3 days, hence the police are urging the public to assist the South African economy to grow by actively participating in all endeavours to stop and eradicate the fight of copper cables, said Gen Otola.

SAPS Newsroom

Source: https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/northern-cape/5-heuningvlei-copper-thieves-in-court/

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