S.Africa: Black theft on Farms: Police apprehended duo for stock theft


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The persistent endeavours of the police in the Province to prevent, combat and investigate stock theft led to the arrest of two suspects aged 47 and 48 for stock theft.

The Lehurutshe Stock Theft and Endangered Species (STES) unit responded to a tip-off from the community about two suspects believed to be involved in stock theft at Moshana Village in the policing precinct of Lehurutshe. Upon receiving the information, police acted swiftly and arrested two suspects who were found looking after the cattle at Moshana Cattle Post situated at Lekker Dors farm. Allegedly, the ten Bonsmara cattle valued at approximately R128 000.00, were stolen at Palmietfontein farm in the vicinity of Zeerust.

Furthermore, preliminary investigation revealed that the two suspects were seen looking after the cattle for the past two weeks at Ditsobelo Cattle Post in Driefontein while looking for a buyer. On Friday, 29 December 2023, one of the farmers in the area met with one of the suspects with the offer to buy the cattle. He was referred to the other suspect who was at the time herding the cattle towards Swartkop direction. The farmer allegedly told the suspects that he does not have money at the time but he can keep the cattle in his farm of which the suspects agreed. As a result, police were informed and after obtaining witness statements, an entrapment was set and both suspects were apprehended on the way to the farm. The lawful owner was traced by means of the brand mark and the cattle were positively identified.

The suspects are expected to appear before the Lehurutshe Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, 02 January 2024 on a charge of stock theft.

The Provincial Commissioner of North West, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena, welcomed the arrest of the suspects and appreciated the partnership, which led to this arrest. He urged the community to continue working together with the police to curb the scourge of stock theft in the Province.

SAPS Newsroom

Source: https://southafricatoday.net/south-africa-news/north-west/police-apprehended-duo-for-stock-theft/

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