S.Africa: Another attack on (white & American) motorists at Brits – FF Plus


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Video: 1970: Angola: Incredible Portuguese mother beats Black terrorists in a gunfight
In this video I discuss two feats of courage by white civilians during war in southern Africa. The one is a feat by a 16 year old white boy, and the other, much more incredible story is what a 28 year old Portuguese mother did in Angola.

[Take note how the blacks are using rocks to disable a vehicle. We need to look into this. All these tricks are useful. We can use them ourselves.
I strongly suspect this is a white couple. They are talking about “their American friend”. One virtually NEVER sees black Americans in South Africa. In over 30 years of living here I've NEVER seen or met a black American in South Africa except at the US Consulate. I strongly suspect that these were whites. Luckily the whites ran away. Jan]

S.Africa: How blacks disable vehicles: Attack on motorists at Brits: FF Plus will ask Minister to take action

14 January 2020

After yet another incident near Brits in the North West during which motorists were attacked and robbed, the FF Plus has decided to send a letter to the Minister of Police to request that measures must be implemented that will ensure that the roads in that region are safe.

In the latest incident, a couple from Ladybrand in the Free State and their American friend were attacked and robbed on the N4 highway near Brits after one of their vehicle’s tyres burst because the attackers had put stones on the road.

When they stopped to change the flat tyre, armed attackers showed up at the scene. All three occupants of the vehicle were able to flee, but the robbers stole everything in their vehicle.

Last year, various similar incidents occurred in the vicinity of Brits; stones were thrown at vehicles and it nearly cost people their lives. The police have confirmed that there have been three attacks over the last week.

The fact that stones are put on a highway with the aim of damaging a vehicle and robbing the occupants is seriously worrying.

We cannot allow criminals and robbers to make roads in the province and elsewhere, particularly the main economic routes, inaccessible to motorists as it amounts to holding motorists hostage through crime.

It also serves as proof that the ANC government is unable to keep the people of South Africa safe through proper policing.

The FF Plus will request the Minister to, among other things, identify and monitor danger zones and to visibly and regularly patrol roads in the province.

Issued by Michael Groenewald,FF Plus MP and provincial leader: North West, 14 January 2020

Source: https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/another-attack-on-motorists-at-brits–ff-plus?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=3a3469aed3-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_01_14_08_28&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_a86f25db99-3a3469aed3-140246843

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