S.Africa: An Intense Christian (Suidlander?) race war panic underway… Siener Van Rensburg Prophecies for 2019


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Wie is ons? Boere of Afrikaners? Antwoord van Dr Mike Du Toit
Ek het iemand gehad wat aan my geskryf het oor die onderwerp van Boere teenoor Afrikaners. Ek het besluit om Dr. Mike Du Toit te nader, wat die leier van die Boeremag was en ‘n professionele akademikus is wat baie goed ingelig is oor ons geskiedenis, om hierdie vraag te beantwoord. Dr. Du Toit weet nie net van ons geskiedenis in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook van ons geskiedenis in Europa. Hier is sy antwoord.

This is a quick note. There is an intense panic underway in South Africa among white Christians who believe in the Siener Van Rensburg prophecies. My suspicion is that this is the Suidlanders at work again. They are forever making predictions which are WRONG, and then when they fail, they create new dates a few months ahead and so it goes on… ad infinitum.

You will recall when Simon Roche was in the USA in March 2017, he was begging for fuel for a war that could wipe the whites out in April 2017. After that bold and totally wrong statement, I heard from Suidlanders in private that the due date, the BIG ONE was due in August 2017 – round about the 22nd. As usual, that was also totally f*cking wrong… But it had stirred people up like crazy. There were guys I knew “withdrawing” in order to prepare for war then.

I have now heard that there is a new date for the “race war”. The D-Day for this one is 21st January 2019. People are expecting all out war. I’ve seen some of the “prophecies” and “data” supplied which “prove” that Siener Van Rensburg’s prophecies are coming true.

There is a *LOT* of white rightwing, mostly Christian activity underway. It is very intense. Definitely the most intense that I’ve ever come across in my 18 years of political commentary. Some people are clearly spending extra money on preparations, etc. Some are going for weapons training. There is a *LOT* of activity and its not by just one group. Its many. But it is ALL driven by the Christian belief that the prophecies of Siener Van Rensburg are coming true. Some people have told me that we have “less than 6 months left”. They’re talking about anarchy in the streets, race war, etc.

I LIKE White Right Wing activity. It is ALWAYS GOOD to be preparing and better still to be active.

But when it is driven by idiocy, it can land people in jail. There is a definite Siener Van Rensburg/Suidlander link to the time when the Boeremag went and began planting bombs. This ended up destroying the Boeremag. What I am FEARING is that this Suidlander/Siener Van Rensburg madness might result in some morons doing stupid things and then they get arrested for committing crimes in the FALSE BELIEF that the time for a Boer Rebellion is under way.

One thing I have established clearly, in my investigations is that whenever you hear “Siener Van Rensburg” then you must know there is a Suidlander agenda behind it. Gustav Muller is the son-in-law of Adriaan Snyman who has written stacks of books, which sold very well, about his interpretations of the Siener Van Rensburg prophecies. Adriaan Snyman is, what you might call: “The High Priest” of this “religious cult”. So when the “High Priest” begins talking, and his son-in-law begins talking, then they can stir up a lot of activity, fear and panic with their incorrect predictions.

Now the big bummer for us, is when their nonsense fails, then everyone loses heart, instead of just working steadily in a focused way on building up the white right for the future. People are thus motivated by panic and fear of race war, instead of operating on proper logic. When they are in this state of mind, they also have a greater chance of throwing all caution and logic into the wind and thereby making moves and doing things that they would not do normally. This is how the Boeremag, who were also under this influence at the time, went and began planting bombs in Soweto and other places.

I will update you when I have more information.


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Video: How Sexual Blackmail works: Australian Jew Abe Saffron, the original Epstein
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