S.Africa: Amazing salary of Afrikaans Press CEO: Naspers boss’ compensation astonishes, in light of newspaper closures – AfriForum


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In light of newspaper closures, Naspers boss’ compensation astonishes – AfriForum

25 June 2024

News reports about the astronomical compensation that Naspers’ former chief executive, Bob van Dijk, has earned and will continue to earn until September 2024, only raise more questions about Media24’s plans to lay off approximately 400 employees and close newspapers including Beeld and Rapport.

These strategic considerations of the media giant have so far been presented as well-considered business decisions, but in light of the fact that the printed versions of Beeld and Rapport are indeed still profitable, and that senior staff are compensated at this level, the arguments do not hold water, according to Alana Bailey, AfriForum’s Head of Cultural Affairs.

Since the news of Media24’s possible cost cutting plans have come to light, the many benefits that the continued availability of print newspapers and other publications have for readers, the language in which they are printed and the wider community they report on have been emphasised by many experts. The fact has also been highlighted that many people in South Africa do not have access to electronic media due to technical or financial challenges, and therefore will not have access to online reporting if the newspapers were to close.

On the part of the media giant, these arguments were ignored, as are questions about the future of the approximately 400 people whose income and future will be affected by the decision. “One of the messages that AfriForum has received since last week is an email from a newspaper seller whose only income is the newspaper delivery fee. With this she tries to take care of herself and three grandchildren. Her circumstances, and those of many other loyal staff members like her, compared to Van Dijk who, according to news reports, earned more than a million rand a day in the past financial year, is outrageous,” says Bailey.

AfriForum’s petition against the closure of the newspapers can be signed by the public at www.redrapport.co.za.

Source: https://www.politicsweb.co.za/politics/naspers-boss-compensation-astonishes–afriforum?utm_source=Politicsweb+Daily+Headlines&utm_campaign=5fa29793af-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_06_25_09_48&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-5fa29793af-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D

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