S.Africa: AfriForum’s Advocate in court is the Jew Mark Oppenheimer
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Video: How Jews trick and cheat the RICH!
This is how Jews use forger‘s tactics on anyone ... even the Rich!
I was reading an article about the Black Communist, Julius Malema being in court, when it turned out that the Jew Mark Oppenheimer was their top legal guy! This just adds to the evidence that AfriForum are Liberal. AfriForum won’t defend Whites, even Boers on RACE. Afriforum has more money than any other White Afrikaans organisation. They are supposed to be "our people" on "our side" … but they hobnob with anyone, and their leader has stated openly that he will not defend "racism".
It’s very weak, very pathetic.
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Video & Audio: The Jews are turning BLUE thanks to St Dylann Roof!
Why are there now photos of people appearing with Blue faces? Whites are getting better and better at communicating with each other, despite every attempt by the Jews to prevent us spreading information.
Video & Audio: The Jews are turning BLUE thanks to St Dylann Roof!
Why are there now photos of people appearing with Blue faces? Whites are getting better and better at communicating with each other, despite every attempt by the Jews to prevent us spreading information.