Reader writes to me: My big disappointment in Orania – My Response
European Outlook
This is a website run by an excellent British man that I know who is a true racialist. He puts out good, solid content.
[One of my Afrikaans supporters wrote to me in Afrikaans how disappointed he was in Orania. I read what he wrote and I wrote my own response. I translated it all into english. The original Afrikaans is at the very bottom of this. Jan]
Importantly: Please tell me about Jaapie who was the head of NASA’s strategic planning. I did not know that.
I was very surprised by these points you raised:
Betsie Verwoerd’s house has been transformed into a museum. Her clothes/dresses are displayed and hang neglected on portrait frames on the walls, the State Bible lies open on a small table, worn and crumbling – possibly also eaten by fish moths! What a blot on the "African" image that was exhibited there. That must have been a proud place!!!
I think the above is the same place I was in in 2010. Maybe it is in a worse state now. I don’t know exactly what the complaint is and what you’re expecting.
The Orange River flows through the town. There is no water shortage. No one had a garden or vegetable garden!!
Now the above: I noticed in my own photos, no gardens. I live alone, and now I never hire a black for anything. You’d be shocked at how much work one has to do when you have nobody to help you. And I’m constantly trying to cut down and make it simpler. I can fully understand why nobody in orania would want a garden. And it did look ugly. But hey, you’ve not seen my place. However, the solution to this is to throw stones or concrete or do something else. The architecture of a place for Whites only needs to change. We CANNOT live and design things the way that we’re used to. Have you ever watched my Hutterite videos? The Hutterites solve all those problems fantastically. In Orania they are still sticking to what we’re used to. But that may be due to inexperience. We need to build communal buildings with specific architecture that makes it LOW MAINTENANCE. The one criticism of yours that I think is over the top is a vegetable garden. Why on earth would you want to waste your own time in Orania doing the insane amount of work to have a LOW PRODUCTIVITY VEGGIE GARDEN? Why? You’re doing needless work for nothing. You get your food from the communal methods. I will agree that the Orania people could learn from Hutterites and Germans and other Europeans. They all have work to do, and to then have to go and do other stuff is a waste of time. See my videos on the hutteries. You’ll see how they handle it. They’re the best. They’ve been doing this for 500 years and their stuff is AMAZING.
There are clearly large tracts of land under irrigation by whoever owns the land. According to local inquiries, the Afrikaners who stay there work for this agricultural organization.
What’s wrong with that? That is EXACTLY what you need. You need to have organisations and corporations of your own. That is perfectly correct. That’s the only way you can handle the specific work.
I would have liked to know more about the internals of orania.
Regarding the Whites who have left – all the clever ones leave because they are soft and they can’t solve the problems here. But the problems here cannot be solved the old way. The soft Rhodesian/South African Capitalism with cheap labour CANNOT work here any more. The Blacks are no longer our servants. We need to THINK DIFFERENT and ORGANISE DIFFERENTLY if we want to survive. We would learn amazing amounts of stuff just by learning from Americans and Europeans. But the best example are the Hutterites. You MUST SEE THAT.
We no longer have Blacks, and WE will have to pick up the shovels and the rifles ourselves. We have to walk in the footsteps of the Germans I tell you. Capitalism made us soft and weak and now Blacks intimidate us.
I do understand you expect more, but I don’t think you realise how much work and thought needs to go into this.
The fact that they are the most successful thing in SA for whites only should show you how hard this is.
But if you think correctly, and live correctly, you are fine. Adolf Hitler was the perfect teacher. *EVERYTHING* the NAZIS did, in the way they organised their people and taught their people is 100% CORRECT. You CANNOT do it better than them.
But I’ve been to America twice now, and once to Holland and I had a look at the local Whites and it showed me how the common white person lives. I like the way the Americans function too. e.g. Wooden houses. Anyone can build a house quickly.
We *CANNOT* go back to having CHEAP BLACK LABOUR. Those days are GONE!!!! The Blacks will always be full of shit. The Blacks WILL NEVER WANT TO GO BACK TO THAT STATE. THEY’VE BEEN SPOILED. From here onwards, it is us alone.
And if I may ask Gerhard, do you do all your work alone or do you hire a Black to mow your lawn, etc?
All those things must end.
The Germans solved EVERYTHING including the LABOUR PROBLEM. The NAZIs were GENIUSES.
I’m going to publish parts of your email without using your name.
But all these clever Whites who are fleeing – they’re fleeing because they can’t solve the problems here. But if we want to survive, we need to solve these problems ourselves – IF WE WANT TO BE STRONG. If we just want to pay taxes to the Blacks and never have a say in our future, and always have some access to Black labour – be my guest.
I would like us to be STRONG and INDEPENDENT and a FORCE … but for that, you need to work hard, be prepared to risk your life, and risk everything.
The STRONG are ALWAYS FREE and the WEAK are always dominated by someone else.
My besoek aan Orania so klompie jaar gelede, verwys.
Ons het by die Vanderkloofdam tuisgegaan vir ‘n familiebyeenkoms.
Met groot verwagting het ons in Orania gaan rondkyk. Betsie Verwoerd se laaste blyplek besoek, waargeneem wat in die dorp gebeur en hoe die mense daar leef. Die volgende gewaarwordings:
- Betsie Verwoerd se huisie is in ‘n museum omskep. Haar klere/rokke is uitgestal en hang verwaarloos aan portretlyste teen die mure, die Statebybel lê oop op ‘n tafeltjie, verslete en aan die verkrummel – moontlik ook deur vismotte gevreet! Wat ‘n klad op die “Afrikaner” beeld wat daar tentoongestel was. Dit moes ‘n trotse plek gewees het!!!
- Die Oranje-rivier vloei deur die dorp. Water tekort is daar nie. Niemand het ‘n tuin of groentetuin gehad nie!!
- Daar is duidelik groot gronde onder besproeiing deur wie ookal die grond besit. Na verneem word by plaaslike navrae werk die Afrikaners wat daar bly vir hierdie landbou-organisasie.
Ek is nou jammer om te sê maar hierdie neerslagtige en armlasige prentjie het my Boerebloed laat kook!!!! Daar is geen manier waarop ek my daarmee sal vereenselwig of van misbruik gemaak sal word nie. Ek het myself voorgeneem om daardie plek nooit weer te besoek na hierdie walglike ondervinding nie.
Jare later, in 2015, het my seun van Pretoria na Kaapstad gestap – omdat hy wou en kon! In die proses was hy ‘n ambassadeur vir QWASA, die Kwadroplegiese Vereeniging van SA. Hy het op uitnodiging aan huis van Ria Wiid op hul plaas oornag. Dis geleë Suid van die R369 omtrent 8km vanaf die afdraai vanaf die N12. Op hierdie plaas was na my wete die grootste Konsentrasiekamp wat die Engelse in SA gehad het. Hier was 17,000+ Boervroue en kinders in elende gehuisves. Hulle moes water aandra van die spoorwegstasie waar daar water was om die stoomlokomotiewe te bedien. Hierdie kamp het ook omtrent 20,000 Britse troepe in weelde gehuisves. Die Wiid familie het hierdie plaas gekoop en toe die oorblyfsels vd kamp ontdek. Die oorspronklike eienaar, ‘n du Toit, het destyds die plaas aan die Britte verhuur vir hul eweldade terrein!! Rin Wiid het hie kamp gerestoureer, as museum verklaar en dit kan vandag met trots aan die wêreld vertoon word. Dis in teenstelling met wat ek enkele km’s verder in Orania waargeneem het.
Is Orania dit wat ons sou wou glo dit moet wees – ek dink gladnie so nie!! Ek sê dit met groot eerbied en teleurstelling.
Terloops, my seun Johann is vandag ‘n baie bekwame en suksesvolle Bedryfsingenieur vir wie daar vir hierdie Boerseun, in SA geen toekoms is nie. Hy kom gereeld terug met sy gesin om sy geliefde SA te kom leef en geniet. Hy is Johnson & Johnson, die farmaseutiese maatskappy, se Logistieke Bestuurder in Dubai. Soos talle prominente Afrikaners wat deesdae gesiene poste in Amerika en ander plekke ter wêreld beklee. Baie soos oorlede Japie van Zyl wat NASA se Hoof van Strategiese Beplanning was…..
Met dit alles gesê, is Orania ‘n groot ‘seermaak’.
Vriendelike groete
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