Power Outage at my house & very loud Police convoy!!!


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Get a Free PDF Book: RAHOWA! This Planet is OURS! By Ben Klassen
RAHOWA means: ‘Racial Holy War‘. Ben Klassen in America invented that term.Ben Klassen is a brilliant German-American who began to worry about the future of White people in the 1960s. He is also the author of The White Man‘s Bible.

Some days one does not know what the hell is going on in this country.

Shortly after we were hit with a rolling blackout this evening … I can at least work in my office at home because I’ve set myself up to do so.

Then I heard a LOT of Police sirens. I went out in the dark and to my amazement a convoy of perhaps 6 Police vehicles were driving down the street with their sirens on in the dark.

This country is run like a shit hole. Perhaps the Police were hoping to scare the criminals in the dark. Who knows.

The wastage and stupidity in this country is beyond belief at times.


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