New fear of South Africa’s healthcare Collapse
6 Pics: When South Africa was White and VIBRANT! - The Hanging building!
This building still exists in Johannesburg. It was already built and looking great in the mid-1980s when I came to work in Johannesburg. Someone back then told me that the floors of this building are hanging. I did not quite know what to think of it, but its design is strange and when you look at the bottom, youll see the whole building is held up by a central column. (Just like those buildings of 911).
[This is an excerpt from a mass email from one of the Liberal (useless) political parties in SA.
Here is part of the email:-
There’s no question that we need to improve South Africa’s healthcare system, so that everyone can get quality treatment, but the NHI will only nationalise healthcare, bringing the same corruption and complete mismanagement that the ANC has brought to Eskom, SAA, and local government.
There are just five weeks left before your chance to object to this catastrophic Bill is gone!
Please urgently submit your objection so that we can stop the NHI and save South Africa.
If you do not speak out, the NHI will collapse medical aids, remove your ability to choose your healthcare and lead to a large-scale brain drain from South Africa – making the 10-million-person unemployment crisis even worse.
If you do not make your voice heard, you give this corrupt ANC government the right to refuse you and your loved ones life-saving treatment when budgets are depleted.
Object to the NHI Bill now!
This is a matter of life and death.
German Hero Horst Mahler‘s Video Channel
Horst Mahler in Germany sent me a link to his new video channel. Feel free to spread it. The man is a hero. They treated him very badly in jail and he lost his legs. The man is a hero, fighting for the truth!