NAÏVE WHITES TO THE AFRICAN ABATTOIR – Blacks can’t co-exist with Whites!


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Video: Can 50 million Blacks kill 4 million Whites in 2 weeks?
I did an insane amount of Military Academic work in order to answer this question. In here, youll see something totally unique. I explain why I think several Blacks did research into this and what was their inspiration for coming to this conclusion, as well as the horrific ideas they have in store for us. I also demonstrate, what an all out race war would be like if it raged across South Africa. The answers may surprise you.

[The whites here in South Africa need to wake up to the secret malicious hatred that the black Govt has for us. They want to drive us out of this country, and steal everything we owned. This is their wet dream. It is not whites who can’t co-exist with blacks or other non-whites. It is the blacks who can’t co-exist with a race of talented, energetic white people. They fear what we are capable of. Therefore, destroying us and making life uncomfortable so that we LEAVE is their most important priority. They don’t want us here, because they know we will arise again!

Liberalism is not just a disease. It is the greatest racial treason whites have ever known.

Here is an article by Mike Walsh, fighting for whites as he has done for decades and telling the unvarnished truth! Jan]

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Assisted by media cohorts the liberal-left laundered the image of the Negroid. As a result, foppish Westerners are convinced that only the colour of the skin distinguishes African from European.  Ignorance is bliss and millions of decadent race-dead Whites are in for a richly deserved rude awakening.

Many recall natural disasters in the southern states of America in which, rather than assist neighbours in distress, Blacks took opportunity to plunder. When Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005 storm surges extended six miles inland. It is recorded that 80 / 90 percent of residents were evacuated; this left rich pickings for the Blacks.

There will be little sympathy for Whites who, acting according to consciences, gospel and media propaganda, risked everything to save distressed coloureds. Media stayed quiet about the number of Whites murdered by non-European marauders who commandeered rescue boats sent by liberal Whites to rescue them. A total of 1,833 died.

Michael Walsh, a British seaman during the late 1950s and early 1960s spent much time in Africa.  Mostly working the West African coasts he was familiar with Mediterranean, East, and South Africa. The companies with which he sailed were the Clan Line, Palm Line, and Elder Dempster Shipping Company. The latter shipping company regularly carried do-gooder missionaries to West African countries from the southern states of America.

Michael Walsh, the author of Rhodesia’s Death Europe’s FuneralAfrica’s Killing Fields and The Last Gladiators adds: “Starry-eyed, White evangelists arrived expecting to find civilised Africans. They were in for a rude awakening. Many returned in disgust to their home country after having encountered the primitive degeneracy of Blacks quick to take advantage of their naïve visitors. Africans in Africa are not sharp-suited graduates victims of circumstance; sharp-suited Blacks in the West are beneficiaries of White naivety, which can rub off in an instant.”

The ex-leader of British Movement says; “Here in Mediterranean Europe one sees sub-Saharan Africans fawning upon tourists as they peddle their tacky counterfeit goods.”

“Some are under no illusions.  Given any opportunity these obsequious Blacks will turn on Whites with all the ferocity of tribal Africa. The women to whom they sell handbags and sunglasses and pirated DVDs will be gang-raped, tortured and machete-killed by Africans whose primitive nature has been ignited by lurid tales of White colonialism. I waste my breath when warning them and so nature will deal with the weakest links.”


MICHAEL WALSH is an internationally acclaimed journalist, author, poet and broadcaster shunned by liberal-left corporate media. He is the author of Africa’s Killing FieldsRhodesia’s Dearth Europe’s Funeral and The Last Gladiators.

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