Meme: The moment she realised the importance of the Dead White Farmers…
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2004: S.Africa: Mbeki better than Mandela unemployment 30-40
London President Thabo Mbeki is probably a better manager than his predecessor, former president Nelson Mandela, despite some glaring errors of judgment.
2004: S.Africa: Mbeki better than Mandela unemployment 30-40
London President Thabo Mbeki is probably a better manager than his predecessor, former president Nelson Mandela, despite some glaring errors of judgment.
[Nice one. Jan]
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Cartoon: From a Boer: White Liberal and the Black Jewish President Ramaphosa in LOVE
This guy does good cartoons. In this one he mocks the Jewish political party the DA and it teaming up with the ANC after the recent elections. Jan
Cartoon: From a Boer: White Liberal and the Black Jewish President Ramaphosa in LOVE
This guy does good cartoons. In this one he mocks the Jewish political party the DA and it teaming up with the ANC after the recent elections. Jan