Jews created Nelson Mandela


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Video: JEWS DID 911: World Trade Center Building 7: Foreknowledge of Collapse with Dr MacQueen
In this video you‘ll see how everyone knew WTC7 was going to collapse. The only thing missing from the video is that the JEW SILVERSTEIN admitted that he gave the ORDER to bring it down!

I’ve been doing some digging into the past, into the creation of the Armed Wing of the ANC, MK (Spear of the Nation), and the Rivonia trial. The Rivonia trial was really a violence communist terrorist conspiracy to overthrow the White Apartheid Government. But, most interestingly, "White" Jewish Communists were absolute key players in this violence. Communist Jews wanted to create a race war wherein the Whites of South Africa were to be slaughtered by the Blacks.

When I look more closely at the character of Nelson Mandela and his many, many links to Jews, I will tell you that I reach one conclusion: That Nelson Mandela himself, is a creation by the Jews.

I think that if it wasn’t for Jews, Nelson Mandela would never have arisen, nor amounted to anything, and he probably would not have done a fraction of what he did.

Nelson Mandela was the arch enemy of White South Africa, and he was created by Jews, as far as I can tell. I think Jews made everything happen that was needed in order for Mandela to become a violent Communist Terrorist.

What is even more horrifying for me, is that the violent Jewish Communists were mostly born in South Africa. They lived among Whites. They benefited from Apartheid. They grew up and interacted with English and Afrikaans (Boer) Whites.

Yet, these Jews were willing, to turn around on a dime and to plan the greatest violence they could against the Whites.

It shows that like the Jews in Europe, the Jews NEVER ASSIMILATE. They are NEVER part of the local Whites. They are always a foreign entity, and they turn on those they live amongst, in an instant. They have absolutely no loyalty to the very Whites among whom they live.

I find that amazing and shocking.

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