Jewish Women: We are EXCITED about White Genocide… The BEST GENOCIDE!


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2004: After White Farmers chased out of Zim: 100 White Zim Farmers create 4,118 Jobs in Mozambique
After Mugabe chased White Farmers out of Zimbabwe, small groups of them went to other worthless Black countries and made a massive, positive impact.

[As usual Jews can do anything the hell they want and they never get into trouble. Someone published this on the social media. Imagine what would happen to whites, if we said the same thing as these Jewish women: “We’re looking forward to the Jewish Genocide … it will be the BEST GENOCIDE ever!” No white would be able to do that. Jan]

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Video: Decapitation: How the Boers dealt with violent crowds of Blacks
A young Boer I knew, Gilbert, told me of the time in the early 1990s when he served in the South African Army and was stationed in the townships. He described the tactics the Boers used to smash violent black crowds with a minimum loss of life.

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