IMPORTANT: FROM JAN: I am looking for Israel and Christian videos and info


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Video: Do Jews make you INSANE? The Assassination of the Jew Allard Lowenstein: Part 1
We look at a rare event: When a White male kills a Jew, but not just any Jew. He kills a Jew he knew VERY WELL and whom he looked up to as an icon. Allard Lowenstein is a Jew who was elected to congress once.

I am looking for any videos, articles, photos or other stuff relating to the Jewish maltreatment of CHRISTIANS! Any nasty stuff done against Christians (of any race), Churches, etc. I know they discriminate against Christians. All info on this is welcome. Please send me a message via my Contact us page on my website.


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Jews can have Christian & Muslim women as Sex Slaves says British Rabbi
The Rabbi who said this is the chief Rabbi of the UK and Commonwealth. This British Rabbi is actually a Jew from South Africa.

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