How an Australian woke up to the positive impact of Whites in Africa – by travelling to S.Africa
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[This is a very interesting note from an Australian man I know. Jan]
He wrote:
I spent my time in Africa between Tanzania, Kenya, Zanzibar, South Africa, Lesotho, and Gambia. However, it was only once I went to South Africa and noticed the difference in infrastructure that my curiosity was pricked as to why South Africa was the way it was compared to other African nations. Then it dawned on me, it was because of white people. From there I started researching the history of South Africa and Rhodesia and saw what great places they were, for both blacks and whites compared to now under white rule and how far they have fallen since then. In Dar es Salaam, I was working with a black Zimbabwean who grew up there and he told me what a wonderful country it was under white rule.
Unfortunately, Australia is well on its way to a Marxist hell hole. I see white liberals as the biggest enemy to civilisation and until they reap the consequences of what they support there will be no changing them.
Video: An amazing small Community this is the way to live
This is a short video to show you some amazing People. This is a short piece from a much bigger, more comprehensive video.