From: Piet Rudolph: Boer Children in trouble – Financial report back – VERSLAG :Boerekinders in Nood(opheffingsaksies) – May 2018


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Video: 9 Pics: Why the Jewish Rothschilds had to murder South Africas Stephen Goodson!
Dr Peter Hammond, a Christian from Rhodesia and I discussed Stephen Goodson‘s weird death and Goodson‘s last statement to a friend before he died that he was being poisoned!

[Piet has been sending me updates on the work he’s doing helping out the children. I’ve not published them all. But this is the latest. You can contact him at the email address below. The report is in Afrikaans but I translated a section of it into English for the whites outside South Africa. Jan]

This is just a small section of it which I’ve translated:

REPORT: Farmers in need (withdrawal actions): May 2018
1.1 AGREED from April 2018 - R1036.94
1.2 CONTRIBUTIONS - R15 021.00 (- withdrawals from Guarantee and Assistance Fund: R4600.00)
1.3 INTEREST - R3.92
       TOTAL - R 16 061.86
2.1 BANK COSTS; May - R54.40
2.2 (1/5) Fuel - PJR - R120.00
2.3 (1/5) Data MTN - Our Children - R105.00
2.4 (1/5) KOS: Child Michelle B - Cape - R400.00
       TOTAL - R15 419.90
3 Transferred to June 2018 - R641.96
4. Thanks for Jenny R's contribution to blankets, mattresses and other bedding worth several thousands of rands
5.1. Thanks again to all our contributors, which make it possible to soften our fathers and children's fate. We are still looking for men and women in all areas to help with abolition.
5.2 Bank statements and receipt available for inspection, where necessary.
5.3 Yskas for single mothers on Letsitele not yet delivered.5.4 The winter is on hand and we start collecting for small ones for blankets.
5.5 General feedback report is not bookkeeping.
5.6. Bank account CAPITEC Our children Reward 1526974779 or Bail and assistance for legal political offenses, CAPITEC rack: 1560324315. We use Capitec because the costs are the lowest and even a R 5 bidding fee is beneficial.
Piet Rudolph:
Organizer Co-ordinator: 072 419 3516. What's on 063 8305959

Here's the full Afrikaans report:

From: [email protected]

Sent: Friday, June 22, 2018 2:15 PM
Subject: VERSLAG :Boerekinders in Nood(opheffingsaksies): Mei 2018

VERSLAG :Boerekinders in Nood(opheffingsaksies): Mei 2018

  1. FONDSE IN :

1.1  OORGEDRA vanaf April 2018 – R1036.94

1.2  BYDRAES  –  R15 021.00 (- onttrekkings uit Borg en Bystandfonds: R4600.00)

1.3  RENTE – R3.92

TOTAAL – R  16 061.86

2.1 BANKKOSTE; Mei – R54.40
2.2 (1/5) Brandstof – PJR – R120.00
2.3 (1/5) Data MTN – Ons Kinders – R105.00
2.4 (1/5) KOS: Kind Michelle B – Kaap – R400.00

2.5 (3/5) OPHEFFING  ID Dokument – Michelle B – Kaap  – R180.00

2.6 (3/5) TELEFOON: Vodacom: Kantooradmin – R100.00
2.7 (4/5) KOS: Kinders – Dickson – Klerksdorp – R400.00

2.8 (4/5)  KOS/doeke: Enkelma RvR 2 babas: Rek BV R: bekermheer, Pta. – R300.00

2.9 (4/5)  KOS 2 Kinders: Oosthuizen – man in tronk. – R1000.00  (DOODSKISGEVAL)

2.10 (4/5) TELEFOON: Vodacom: Kantooradmin – 100.00
2.11 (7/5) KOS/doeke: Enkelma RvR 2 babas: Rek BV R- BESKERMHEER: – R400.00
2.12 (8/5) BRANDSTOF – Ons Kinders – R110.00
2.13 (8/5)  OPHEFFING – Reisgeld vir week, nuwe werk – Michelle B  – R250.00
2.14 (10/5) OPHEFFING- KOS L Barnard- politieke parool – R350.00
2.15 (10/5) OPHEFFING Hervestigingsinisiatief : Hobhouse – Adriaan K – R300.00

2.16 (11/5) BYSTAND  HUUR  – terugbetaalbaar; tekort 15/522018 – BVR – R460.00

2.17 (11/5) OPHEFFING ;Komberse kinders – Elzette E – R450.00 ZASTRON

2.17 (12/5) TELEFOON: Vodacom: Kantooradmin  (2xR100) – R200.00

2.18 (12/5)  OPHEFFING ;Telefoon AW S  – R100.00

2.19 (12/5) OPHEFFING ;Skoene kind – Engela T Springs – R500.00

2.20 (13/5) KOS Kinders – Klerksdorp – Nagel – R200.00

2.21 (13/5)  KOS ;Martie vd W – Durban  – R100.00

2.22 (15/5)  KOS ;A Sutherland  – R100.00

2.23 (15/5)OPHEFFING; EG Thomsen Kind Diane – R100.00

2.24 (15/5) KOS; Nagel Brood en melk  – R340.00

2.25 (15/5) TELEFOON: Kantooradmin: Vodacom – R100.00

2.26 (15/5) Kos – Kleynhans – R400.00 HOBHOUSE

2.27 (16/5) KOS; rek Botes vir Brury – R250.00 DURBAN

2.28 (17/5 Kos&Brandstof begrafnis kind TE Vereeniging deur Rosetta v Wyk Vereeniging – Ouers   nie in staat om kind te begrawe- sien 2.31

2.29 (17/5) TELEFOON: Vodacom: Kantooradmin – R100.00

2.30 (17/5) ADMIN: KANTOORHULP: SM S – R500.00

2.31 (17/5) (Borg&bystandfonds) r v Wyk begrafnis – R2600.00

2.32 (17/5) TELEFOON: Vodacom: Kantooradmin – R50.00

2.33 (17/5) Huur Cunningham – R500.00 ma met kinders-geen heenkome!

2.34 (18/5) OPHEFFINGJ Erasmus –  van Dyk Kinders – R350.00 ZASTRON

2.35 (21/5) OPHEFFING  TERUGBETAALBAAR ;HI D’andrea (Meds diabeet) Welkom – R230.00

2.36 (22/5) TELEFOON: Vodacom: Kantooradmin – R100.00

2.37 (22/5) Huur Cunningham – R200.00 ma met kinders geen heenkome.

2.38 (24/5) Huur JC v Vuuren – R500.00 ma met kinders geen heenkome.

2.39 (24/5) TELEFOON: Vodacom: Kantooradmin – R50.00

2.40 (25/5) Komberse A Koekemoer – 3 kinders – R250.00

2.41 (26/5) TELEFOON: Vodacom: Kantooradmin – R90.00

2.42 (26/5) OPHEFFING Sutherland – Tel – R50.00

2.43 (27/5) Sser – Apteek – Bejaarde – R290.00

2.44 (29/5) Huur Cunningham – R300.00 VROU EN KINDERS SONDER HEENKOME

2.45 (29/5) KOS KINDERSWelman – Delmas – Brood&melk – R250.00

2.46 (29/5) CW Oosthuizen – Kos – 250.00 KINDERS

2.47 (30/5) Bystand: A Koekemoer – L Koekemoer- verhoorafw – R100.00

2.48 (30/5) Komberse – E Nagel – Komberse kinders – R540.00


TOTAALR15 419.90

3 Oorgedra na Junie 2018 – R641.96

  1. Dankie vir die bydrae van Jenny R vir komberse, matrasse en ander beddegoed ter waarde van etlike duisende rande



5.1. Nogmaalsdankie aan al ons bydraers wat dit moontlik maak om veral ons vroue en kinders se lot te versag. Ons is steeds op soek na mans en vroue in alle areas om te help met opheffing.

5.2 Bankstate en kwitansie waar nodig vir insae beskikbaar.

5.3 Yskas vir enkelma op Letsitele nog nie afgelewer.5.4 Die winter is op hande en ons begin kollekteer vir kleintjies vir kombersies.

5.5 Algemene terugvoeringsverslag is nie boekhoukundig nie.

5.6. Bankrekening CAPITEC Ons kinders Rek 1526974779 of Borg en bystand vir regse politieke oortedings , CAPITEC rek: 1560324315. Ons maak gebruik van Capitec omdat die kostes die laagste is EN SELFS ‘N R 5 BYDRAE STEEDS VOORDELIG IS.

Piet Rudolph:

Organiseerderen Ko-ordineerder: 072 419 3516. Wat’s op 063 8305959

Jan‘s Advertisement
Get a Free PDF Book: Did Six Million Jews really die in WW2?
This is a classic pamphlet that was written decades ago. This was one of the first serious attempts to question the Jewish holocaust claims of WW2. The German Ernst Zundel went to jail for printing this small book in Canada! Zundel did not write this. This was written by someone in Europe. The original questioning of the Jewish holocaust began in Europe. It was a French professor who had been in a Concentration Camp during WW2 who realised that Jews were making claims that were not true. That is how people slowly began to question the Jewish holocaust story.

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