FROM JAN: WANTED: Papers by either Military Officers or Academics or Historians
B.A.B.A - Boers & Afrikaner Population Growth Program
We need our own BABY BOOM like America had. Contact us for more details regarding out BABA program.
This is a special request. If you ever come across Libraries, websites or organisations where academic papers are being produced – not just in America but in any Western nation where you have either normal academics, or historians or, better still, Military Officers writing papers analysing anything – historical or military – I’m very interested.
I do have one source, and I’ve been discovering amazing things.
I do know that in the USA there are military libraries and all sorts of public information available.
If you know of any such organisation – EVEN IF THE ACADEMICS ARE LIBERALS – YES – EVEN IF THEY ARE LIBERALS – Send me the links.
I do a lot of research and reading, and I have found that sometimes one stumbles on really good stuff.
Just leave messages for me on the Contact us page with links and details.
I like serious academic work even if the authors are Liberals.
I filter through everything.
S.Africa: Blacks: To Avoid AIDS: Have Sex with Animals...
At one point AIDS was killing Blacks like crazy. Then the West came and saved their worthless lives.