Feeling Tired, Burned out, and a bit Worn out…
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Video & Audio: BLUTCAST EPISODE TEN: Jews create White Inefficiency
These guys are very smart NAZIs with their own flag and uniforms and they are very disciplined. We had a really good chat about many topics. Eventually we had a detailed chat about how Jews mess up Western civilisation with their garbage and malicious ideas.
Video & Audio: BLUTCAST EPISODE TEN: Jews create White Inefficiency
These guys are very smart NAZIs with their own flag and uniforms and they are very disciplined. We had a really good chat about many topics. Eventually we had a detailed chat about how Jews mess up Western civilisation with their garbage and malicious ideas.
I’ve been taking it rather easy on my websites the last day or so. I’ve had a stressful week with "people problems" and just feeling overloaded from all the things coming at me. So I just took it easy the last two days … though in the meantime I have actually been creating videos and I did 2 shows which I need to put out.
This has just been a personally stressful week for me, with some personal, and very irritating problems.
So I am getting cracking again on things… Videos coming up…
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Video: Video: Jewish Mind Poison: The End Times
The most damaging idea that can take hold of any person is the terrible concept of The End Times. For much of my life I believed in this dreadful idea. I was open to Christian prophecy and all other prophecy. I wasted a large part of my life trying to prove all these things true.
Video: Video: Jewish Mind Poison: The End Times
The most damaging idea that can take hold of any person is the terrible concept of The End Times. For much of my life I believed in this dreadful idea. I was open to Christian prophecy and all other prophecy. I wasted a large part of my life trying to prove all these things true.