Farm murders and attacks in South Africa
2006: Norman Reeves: I can solve S.African crime in 6-weeks!!!
This was a kickass Englishman I knew, who fought in Rhodesia and S.Africa. He ran a security company. He died under mysterious circumstances.
There is both an easy and a difficult way to talk about Farm murders and Attacks.
The easy way? Make like the current President, Cyril Ramaphosa and deny that our farmers are being massacred. Or as another politician claims; Farmers are not needed, what you want to eat you can buy in stores.
You could be from the faction that reckons it is retaliation for the ‘massacre’ of Non Whites during the Apartheid era. You can openly express your views on social media and approve of Farm murders and Attacks. It’s easy to tap and stir the pot, unseat people from the protective safety of your home, car or office. The keyboard soldiers. Bravest of the sots out there, who with influence whip up their traveling companions without the fellows realizing that they are falling for a psychological flushing of their rationality. It is that faction that is of the opinion that Farm murders and Attacks are racially driven that is a completely wrong perception
There is also a middle away. You go on social media like a dad next to the rugby field yelling at his son to do it this way or so that doesn’t change anything about the outcome of the match anyway. You can type a thousand times on social media, “this needs to stop,” or “what is the government going to do about it?”
Let me tell you now, the government is not going to do anything. They are doing their job for which they were appointed not what they were elected to at the ballot box. See, it’s not the ballot box that the government appoints. It is an organization that controls everything like puppet masters. Every now and then you hear something promising. The leaders of the country suddenly acknowledge that Farm Murders are a problem and undertake to take action. Then the public is satisfied and we move on. But (and I wish I could stretch the word longer) there are those out there who are waiting and knowing. Nothing is going to happen.
Or you can speak from the heart of a Farmer. In a way you can’t help but think with watery eyes about the cases listed on the internet but not spoken of on main-stream media. Murders and attacks where no dock has been made by our police force and which only widen the gap between crime and justice after that.
Meanwhile, the gap between those who grow food and those who need to eat also stretches just that much further. But do you know the secret of it? The plan of the puppet masters? Food scarcity, control over the masses. It’s a devilish plan to starve, suppress God’s people until we are no longer able to think rationally.
We are faced with a dilemma; A farm attack or murder happens but a few weeks after that, it was forgotten. We threw a grave full of emotion and we walked away. For some it is easy, for others it is an eternal struggle against the sadness, the void and bitterness. And then, the memory. Who am I going to share the special things with now? Where is my old brother if I need advice? And I don’t suck the stuff out of my thumb, I know these people, felt the twitches of such sobs against my chest, still feel those tears that drenched my kaki shirt. And if I think back to such cases, then I myself cry.
The fight against it is just as eternal. I wish I could tell you that we should take this or that action. Do we stand up in solidarity and begin to resist, we may be unequal with the Law. We may be unleashing a war for which we are not prepared and even less can win. Because see, the onslaught against us is based on two things. First, our skin color and second, because we are predominantly Protestant Christians because of our skin color.
Farm murders and attacks are almost a science, an industry. It is rewarding for those who plan it. People think a farm attack just happens? No! There is planning involved in this. Months of planning. It’s a research process, information, routines, weaknesses, items of value like firearms, money and whatever else can be taken.
You see pictures on social media and stand reports on how something like this could happen? How can one do this to another human being? It’s musty, intoxicants. Things that turn humans into animals. The barbarism of the act is driven by the local sangoma’s medicine, the gooey and spirits. That’s para-normal the stuff. I said in my very first video, “Our battle is not against Flesh and Blood.” Farm murders and attacks are just part of the bigger picture of the age-old battle between Light and Darkness. But Darkness’ time is coming, I’m telling you as surely as I know, we serve a Living God.
You can walk with me, it’s a difficult road. I can take you to Messina or maybe to Tzaneen. There we can visit the graves of the Van Ecks and the De Nysschens. But you won’t notice that one grave makes. One small body that was hit with such force that December Sunday afternoon in 1985 when that pickup truck trampled down the landmine, that his remains were never found.
So far back? Yes, so far back and even further. Then we called it terrorism. Today the terrorists deny that Farm murders and Attacks are indeed a reality. I am doing a series on YouTube “Farm murders – A Total Onslaught against South Africa.” I’m working on part 4. Part 3 progressed as far as March 2004. There are still twenty years of history to be covered. It’s a process, you don’t get a few facts together and siedaar. It’s hard work, necessary work. Without promoting myself, you are welcome to take a look and if editors wish, I will leave a link for those who are interested.
We can stop by Gravelotte where Uncle John and Aunt Bina Cross were first tortured one Sunday afternoon in their home, and then killed. We can visit in the Lowlands, I’ll go show you the graves. People I knew, maybe people you knew yourself, or knew.
Along the way, we will also appeal to those who survived it, or were unfairly left behind. People who were tormented in five against one struggles while getting a kettle boiling. Cries for help that went up for nothing and were not heard until later.
Just before we start the journey, I have to warn you, there are kids involved too. Orphans, and children with carved granite names. Quite a few. Children who then, did not understand the purpose of all this. Children who died in a war they were dragged into because they lived on a farm, or were a Farmer’s child. Children who walked around barefoot with clones but were not overlooked by attackers.
The shovel hits a tuft of grass. Once again. And once more, My eyes lifted up and I saw the name on the white metal cross. Karin Turner. She was murdered on September 16, 2019. She was only 31. So my eyes glide across the sea of white crosses against stony backs in the Iron Mountains. The tears run free. Once again, I calm down and I recognize other names. You get to know them, you know a lot but you won’t know everyone’s names. Maybe one day.
I’m on the porch, just soon saving Julie’s video and then quickly uploading. Then my phone “dieng” in my hand. It’s a message from a friend. That afternoon Uncle Theo Bekker was murdered on his farm near Grootvlei, diagonally beyond Heidelberg. I shoot a quick video with the news and load it in, then I upload.
I started with videos on farm murders in June. The idea was to become a voice for Farm Murders and Attacks. It’s not for me. It’s for my people, my people. I got involved. I’m not a keyboard soldier, but I don’t put hands folded either.
I wish I could tell you that things are going to change. Maybe it goes, maybe not. September 2024 we plant crosses again, more crosses… Almost 3000 so far on that Heart Monument in the Bushveld.
Written By: Klaas Prinsloo of the White Cross Monument
V01: The 2nd Hitler: Dr Hendrik Verwoerd: Greatest White leader in the history of S.Africa
Dr Verwoerd is known as The Architect of Apartheid. He was a Christian, but also a closet NAZI. The Jews of South Africa hated him intensely.