COVID-19: South Africa’s Prohibition & insanity – What of ILLEGAL STUFF? – BLACK MARKETS
White Shop: Tigers in the Mud: The Combat Career of German Panzer Commander Otto Carius
He was physically small and often underestimated, but once he took command of his first Tiger he found his calling and worked his way up the chain of command from a lowly loader to company leader. His exploits on the Ost Front became semi-legendary, but unlike some of his more famous fellow Tiger aces (Wittman, von Strachwitz), he survived to tell the tale first-hand.
I’ve not yet heard anyone speaking of illegal activities under lockdown, but I suspect there must be a lot. I do know blacks were caught with a lot illegal cigarettes since cigarettes are not to be sold during lockdown! Hahahaha. As if that would make a difference!
Also, I’ve heard that due to the liquor shut down which prevents us from buying liquor in any form, that South Africans have been going crazy trying to invent or brew their own alcohol! Who knows what comes of this.
I did hear that blacks broke into a liquor store not far from where I live.
I BET YOU OUR GOVERNMENT MINISTERS ARE DRINKING LIQUOR AND SMOKING! I am sure they have liquor. I bet you a LOT of illegal stuff is going on and I bet you that our senior leaders are themselves breaking some or all of the ridiculous lockdown rules they came up with. South Africa has not had a "prohibition" like this and I think there must be quite a black market going on.
I know in Zimbabwe, when its economy was imploding, that blacks were constantly breaking all the laws. There were black markets and all kinds of illegal deals going down.
Government, Police and other officials might well be involved in all of this.
Rest assured a lot of nonsense is going on. We will find out more about it later.
Books will still be written about the stupidity here.
I think some of the wildest COVID-19 lockdown stories will yet come out of South Africa.
Then you’ll see how dysfunctional this country really is.
Video & Audio: The Military Mystery of why Ukraine Invaded Kursk in Russia
Nobody, not even military experts can explain exactly why the Ukrainians invaded Kursk in Russia. All the reasons that are given are minor and do not in any way really explain why the Army and the Government would throw their best troops into fighting for this Russian area that has no value.