Cecil Rhodes and His Warmongering Buggery Hegemony – Destroying the Boer Republics


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[Cecil Rhodes was a Freemason and he was the local representative of the Jewish Rothschilds in Britain. They worked to destroy the Boer Republics to seize the Gold and Diamonds. Lord Milner, who orchestrated the deaths of the Boer women and children, was a JEW. Jan]

‘I admire him, I frankly confess it; and when his time comes I shall buy a piece of the rope for a keepsake.’ — Mark Twain on Cecil Rhodes

‘To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life.’ — Cecil Rhodes

Many readers of Winter Watch are likely at least familiar with Yale professor Carroll Quigley (mentor to Bill Clinton) and his gigantic work “Tragedy and Hope” that connects Cecil Rhodes with the evolution of a secret society that was initially under the direction of newspaper editor W. T. Stead, Alfred Milner and Archibald Primrose (aka Lord Rosebery). For those unfamiliar with his writing, Joseph Plummer offers a condensed version of his book called “Tragedy and Hope 101.”

‘The powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.’ — Quote from Caroll Quigley’s ‘Tragedy and Hope,’ Chapter 20

Rhodes’ plan would be carried out via Rhodes Scholars and round table groups that grew out of his secret Society of the Elect. Rhodes, was a South African diamond and gold magnate and one of the wealthiest men in the world. When he died in 1902 at the age of 49, he set up seven trusts to carry out his agendas. The scholarship is the most well known, but it goes far beyond that.

The true aim and object of the Rhodesian conspiracy was for the extension of British rule throughout the world and of colonization (defacto or otherwise) by British subjects of all lands where the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labor and enterprise — and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire Continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the Valley of the Euphrates, the Islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the islands of the Pacific not possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan and the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire.

He wanted to make the British Empire a superpower in which all of the white countries in the empire, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Cape Colony would be represented in British Parliament. Rhodes included Americans in the Rhodes scholarships and said that he wanted to breed an American elite of philosopher kings who would have the USA rejoin the British Empire.

“I contend that we are the first race in the world, and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race,” Rhodes declared. “If there be a God, I think that what he would like me to do is paint as much of the map of Africa British Red as possible.”

In 1931, one of the society’s key operatives, historian Arnold Toynbee, wrote:

“We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands.”

Various think tanks and operatives funded by the Rhodes Trust were the bedrock of the Anglo-American hegemony and alliance of the 20th century. Today it includes the Council of Foreign Affairs (CFR) which marks the power shift to the US. This overlapping alliance didn’t exist in the 19th century before Rhodes’ influence.

How the Secret Society Operated

Winter Watch, however, is more interested in the mechanism by which Rhodes and his closer associates operated. We would characterize it as the Imperial Factor, Jewish finance (Rothschilds in particular) and an in-group cadre of well-connected homosexual pederasts.

Lord Rosebery

We have mentioned Archibald Primrose aka Lord Rosebery as an original Rhodes trustee. Rosebery’s claim to fame was his marriage to Hannah de Rothschild, the only child and sole heir of Jewish banker Mayer Amschel de Rothschild and the wealthiest British heiress of her day. It was also speculated that Rosebery was bisexual. Besides becoming immensely wealthy via his wife’s estate, he served as prime minister from March 1894 to June, 1895. He supported the Boer War, was part of the WWI War Party and brought along many nonconformists alike.

Next is Lord Viscount Alfred Milner who was the key imperial official of poor diplomacy and helped cause the Second Boer War of 1899 to 1902. Historian Bill Nasson says:

“As Britain’s supercilious and arrogant South African High Commissioner, his unleashing of war upon the independent Boer republics in 1899 and ham‐fisted efforts to anglicize conquered Boer society after the end of hostilities in 1902 earned him the undiminished enmity of nationalist Afrikaners throughout the rest of the twentieth century.”

Milner was also a chief author of the “Balfour Declaration of 1917” that promised Palestine to the Zionists as a quid pro quo for Jewish help in dragging the US into WWI. The scheme was issued in the name of Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour. Lord Milner was a homosexual, and likely a pederast as well. Lord Balfour was bisexual, an occultist (devotee of the paranormal) and it is alleged a sado-masochist.

Viscount Milner

Milner had an unfavorable view of Afrikaners and, as a matter of philosophy, saw the British as “a superior race.” Lord Milner would call himself a “British race patriot” with grand dreams of a global Imperial parliament headquartered in London.

“I am an Imperialist and not a Little Englander because I am a British Race Patriot,” he stated. “The British State must follow the race, must comprehend it, wherever it settles in appreciable numbers as an independent community. If the swarms constantly being thrown off by the parent hive are lost to the State, the State is irreparably weakened. We cannot afford to part with so much of our best blood.”

The secret society was renamed by Alfred Milner to the Round Table. Milner’s Kindergarten was a group of mustachioed homosexuals that housed a cartel of the most powerful and wealthy people on the planet. Ronald Brown in his book “Secret Society” explains:

“Immediately after the Great War, Milner, Philip Kerr and Lionel Curtis in particular began to set up a global hegemony. It exerted influence through institutions and a hierarchy of thinkers. These institutions were all housed in grand buildings, which became known as Think Tanks.”

Cecil Rhodes (left) and his running buddy, Jewish financier Alfred Beit

Historian Thomas Pakenham noted the “secret allies” of Rhodes and Milner, the British High Commissioner for South Africa, were the “London ‘gold-bugs’ — especially the financiers of the largest of all the Rand Jewish mining houses, Wernher-Beit.”

Pakenham continued: “Alfred Beit was the giant — a giant who bestrode the world’s gold market like a gnome. He was short, plump and bald, with large, pale, luminous eyes and a nervous way of tugging at his grey moustache.”

Beit and Lionel Phillips, also Jewish together controlled H. Eckstein & Co., the largest South African mining syndicate. Of the six largest mining companies, four were controlled by Jews.


Rhodes later maintained a significant lover relationship with Scotsman Sir Leander Starr Jameson, who was a baronet known as “Dr. Jim” and British administrator of the lands constituting present-day Zimbabwe. He ended up loyally nursing Rhodes during his final illness. Jameson was a trustee of his estate and residuary beneficiary of his will, which allowed him to continue living in Rhodes’ mansion after his death.

Although Jameson died in England in 1917, after the conclusion if WW I his body was transferred to a mountaintop grave in 1920 beside that of Rhodes in Rhodesia (present-day Zimbabwe). Tellingly, Cecil Square is today one of the main homosexual cruising areas of Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe.

On December 29, 1895, a band of 500 British adventurers led by Rhodes’ lover Jameson forcibly tried to seize control of the Boer republics in an “unofficial” armed takeover. Rhodes, who was then also prime minister of the British-ruled Cape Colony, organized the venture, which Alfred Beit financed to the tune of 200,000 pounds. Phillips also joined the conspiracy. According to their plan, the raiders would dash from neighboring British territory into Johannesburg to “defend” the British “outlanders.” By secret prior arrangement, the outlanders would simultaneously seize control of the city in the name of the “oppressed” aliens and proclaim themselves the new government of Transvaal.

“Johannesburg is ready,” Rhodes confided to Beit in a letter about the plan written four months before the raid. “[This is] the big idea which makes England dominant in Africa, in fact gives England the African continent.”

After 21 men lost their lives in the takeover attempt, Jameson and his fellow raiders were captured and put on trial. In Johannesburg, Transvaal authorities arrested Phillips for his part in organizing the raid. They found incriminating secret correspondence between him and co-conspirators Beit and Rhodes, which encouraged Phillips to confess his guilt.

Transvaal court leniently sentenced Jameson to 15 months imprisonment. Phillips was sentenced to death, but this was quickly commuted to a fine of 25,000 pounds. Later, after returning to Britain, the financier was knighted for his services to the Empire, and during the First World War was given a high and lucrative war profiteering post in the Ministry of Munitions.

Over the years, Rhodes accumulated a shifting entourage of fit young men known as “Rhodes’ lambs.” They were almost always blond-haired, blue-eyed, athletic types. Within the space of a few years, he would be mingling with a powerful coterie of homosexual, lesbian and bisexual men and women, all of whom would become members of, or be politically associated with, his secret society. Another key operative of the British supremacist homosexual power structure was the “self-confessed pederast” Reginald Baliol Brett (aka Lord Esher).

Lord Esher

Rhodes befriended Reginald “Regy” Baliol Brett while at Oxford. Lord Esher was a friend and confidant of Queen Victoria and later an influential “whisperer” to King Edward VII and King George V. By the end of 1903, Esher was meeting or corresponding with King Edward VII every day and functioning as éminence grise. Edward VII is another story in itself and grist for another article.

During the first World War, Esher was, in one writer’s description, de facto head of British Intelligence in France. His son, Maurice Brett, was the successful founder of the British intelligence arm MI6. Regy’s mother was a French Jew émigrée.

By 1917, England was involved in World War I, and he was an adviser to the English king. On Aug. 11 of that year, Lord Esher wrote in his diary:

“Mr. Henry Morgenthau asked me to call on him. … (He) was one of the principal supporters of President Wilson in the campaign for the Presidency, and he possesses the friendship and confidence of the President. … They are ready to sacrifice the lives of American citizens. … Mr. Morgenthau realizes the importance upon the morale of the French army and the French people of cementing the Alliance by shedding American blood at the earliest possible moment. If many lives have to be sacrificed, the influence upon the American people can only be beneficent.

In his must-read book “The Secret Society: Cecil John Rhodes’s Plans for a New World Order,” Robin Brown writes:

“Brett aka Lord Esher habitually had affairs with Eton boys who had been groomed by his old tutor, the details of which are graphically described in his Journals. [He] was part of a ring of influential politicians with similar predilections. Best known among these was Lewis (“Loulou”) Vernon Harcourt – son of the home secretary Sir William Harcourt – who committed suicide when his escapades with a Eton male student went public.

“The documented accounts of Brett’s sexual inclinations are significant because they represent rare hard evidence of the shared interests of three highly influential men at the height of Empire: Cecil Rhodes, “Chinese” Gordon, and Brett himself … supporting recent suggestions that a homosexual hegemony – which was already operative in the Secret Society – went on to influence, if not control, British politics at the beginning of the twentieth century.”

Lord Kitchener, enlist and die Great War recruiting poster

Another key actor in the Imperial Factor and in the Boer Wars was the brutal Horatio Herbert Kitchener. Pro-French and eager to see action, he joined a French field ambulance unit in the Franco-Prussian War. Kitchener carried out a scorched-earth policy against the Boers and established concentration camps for malnourished Boer women and children during the Second Boer War.

In the Battle of Omdurman in 1898, Sudanese Dervishes were slaughtered by a British army unit using modern weaponry. The battle was in response to the killing of Gen. Gordon in 1885 that allowed Britain to keep open the Suez Canal as access to India.

Kitchener was criticized for his callous treatment of the Dervishes — who he left to die where they laid wounded, forbidden them help — and for his men’s looting and murder in Khartoum. He reportedly ordered that the Mahdi’s (Muslim forces leader) remains be unearthed and thrown into the Nile and his skull made into a drinking cup. Eleven thousand Dervishes were slaughtered to secure control of the Nile for Britain and its ally Egypt.

In addition to being a member of the British War Party agitating for conflict against Germany and serving as Secretary of State for War at the start of WWI, Kitchener was an active homosexual. Captain Oswald Fitzgerald is described as his “constant and inseparable companion,” who was appointed aide-de-camp. The two remained close until they met a common death on their ship voyage to Russia in 1916.

From his time in Egypt in 1892, Kitchener gathered around him a cadre of eager young and unmarried officers nicknamed “Kitchener’s band of boys.” These homosexual men typically went on to serve in high political office or military positions, where they would further infest the ranks with more members of their cadre.

Kitchener avoided interviews with women, took a great deal of interest in the Boy Scout movement and decorated his rose garden with four pairs of sculptured bronze boys. According to British historian Ronald Hyam, “there is no evidence that he ever loved a woman.” Patrick Barkham, a contemporary journalist, remarked that Kitchener “has the failing acquired by most of the Egyptian officers, a taste for buggery.” This established tradition in the British hierarchy continues to this day.

Source: https://www.winterwatch.net/2021/03/cecil-rhodes-and-his-warmongering-buggery-hegemony/

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