BLACKS, JEWS & RUSSIANS: I’m asked: Wasn’t Nelson Mandela a GOOD GUY who was for the Palestinians and against Israel and Zionism?


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Video: A Lesson for Whites from Napoleon & the Romans regarding other Races
In this video Im going to shock you. But whites must learn to harden themselves, men and women alike. We must harden our minds and stiffen our resolve and well be able to handle our enemies with the greatest of ease!

[A supporter sent me a couple of questions some time ago taking me to task about Mandela. So this was a quick, short answer for that person. Jan]

The supporter wrote:-
Jan, you did not respond to my email where I discussed several things related to the legitimacy of the armed resistance against apartheid. I asked you if it was not the case that Israel was South Africa’s few friends under apartheid?

Was it not the case that Nelson Mandela always supported the Palestinians and was always against zionism?

I replied:

I have a lot of emails I have not replied to. I do remember yours but never got round to replying to you.

You clearly lack a lot of understanding about the Blacks who fought us.

You are correct when you say that Mandela supported the Palestinians. He did that because he was a communist and was backed by Russia.

There’s a video due out from me in the coming days about: Blacks, Jews and Russians. Watch that. There you will learn stuff and see stuff you’ve never heard before.

You also clearly missed earlier videos I did about Nelson Mandela’s links to the Jews. Mandela was CREATED BY JEWS. But yes, the very Blacks they turned into communists were given weapons by the Russians and those Blacks had to work within the framework of the COLD WAR, on the Russian/Soviet side.

You’ve also missed my videos about Cyril Ramaphosa, who is the President of South Africa, but I’m convinced he converted to Judaism. So how is it that a Black Jew runs the ANC and he is linked to "White Jews" in an organisation (the ANC ruling party) that supports Palestine and withdrew the South African Embassy from Israel?

It is quite bizarre to watch how the Blacks deal with their weird issues. And inside the ANC were JEWS like Ronnie Kasrils. You’ve clearly not looked at the SEVERAL videos I did based on speaking directly to Kasrils and recording him back in 2020.

I suggest you spend more time actually hunting through my older videos before asking me questions to things I’ve already answered in great detail.

Just listen and watch and you’ll see some very bizarre things.

Joe Slovo is perhaps the most important Jew Communist who worked with the Blacks.

With Israel and the Whites there are a lot of issues there, but yes, Israel and the Whites were allies.

Just chill and study what I put out and you’ll see the complex and even conflicting and hypocritical picture that emerges. It’s very weird.

I think the Blacks are themselves fooled and blinkered even more than the Whites are. But JEWS and RUSSIA are two topics – and you need to see how they work together. You’ll see that people are "friends" and "enemies" at the same time in weird ways.

I suggest you go on to my sites and search for "Video" and other topics like "Video Kasrils" or "Video Mandela". You’ll see a lot of detailed info.

There are other things I’ve not put out properly, though there is a FREE BOOK I give out, about the Rivonia trial. The Rivonia Trial is the incredible story of how the Boers caught ALL THE JEWS AND BLACKS who were plotting a RACE WAR.

There is a *LOT* to unpack. These topics are bizarre and need lots of analysis.

Also do video searches on the Jews killing Dr Verwoerd our Prime Minister. He was the only White man assassinated in SA.

My final note about Nelson Mandela: Mandela was a VIOLENT, HATE-FILLED, BLACK COMMUNIST who wanted to KILL WHITE PEOPLE. But Jews fronted for him and Jews hid a lot of his darkest side.

If you’re truly interested, then BUY A BOOK CALLED "The Young Mandela". That is the best book ever written about Nelson Mandela. It will shock you. It was written in Britain.

I strongly urge you to study more and you’ll see tons of weird and conflicting things and it allows us to unpack the EXTREMELY COMPLEX POLITICS OF SOUTH AFRICA.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: How to download Videos or Audio from my websites
This is a note I wrote to someone who was having a problem downloading my videos. I‘ve been quite shocked that there are people asking me this question. I had tried to make this as easy as possible.

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