Bitcoin, Etherium & Crypto is collapsing badly… My calls back in May…


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White Shop: Ersatzkommando Waffen SS shirt
Ersatzkommando der Waffen SS (literally translates to Replacement Command of the Waffen SS), the 1943 Belgian World War II recruitment poster created by the National Socialist German occupying forces, and featuring Bertau art of a giant SS symbol literally slaying a Liberal/Bolshevik red dragon.

My calls back late in May regarding Bitcoin and Etherium being destroyed in the short term were so right. Both are crashing and falling to new lows. When Bitcoin collapses, it takes ALL crypto down with it. They are less than half the value they had at their peaks in April and May.

All those moves to smash them finally worked and broke them.

As I said, we’ll have to wait a year or so to see where things go.

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Video: Hitlers Elite: The Laws of the SS Order
We study the first translation of a NATIONAL SOCIALIST book on the laws of the SS order. We discover the wonderful values these People were taught. This is nothing at all like the lies the Liberals and others have told us about the NATIONAL SOCIALISTs.

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