ATTENTION WHITES: WE CAN WIN: Use The White Man’s Magic – like Tom Metzger has done
S.Africa: Elon Musks 76-year-old dad says hes had another child with his 35-year-old
Elon Musk‘s father says that the only reason we are here on earth is to reproduce. He recently had another child with a 35 year old woman.
[I've known Tom for quite long and learned many things from him, as I learn from many whites. I want to share with you a few things recently in a message to Tom.
Excerpts from my mail to him:-
Hi Tom,
.. snip …
I’m about to put out 2 big audios on THE WHITE MAN’S WAY OF WARFARE and why it is superior and why it will work for us even here. Its going to shock the f**king hell out of everyone.
I’m about to release it today. Feel free to listen.
And I still have your excellent videos from W.A.R.
Everything I get and keep that is useful and excellent like that WILL BE USED when I am ready for it.
I have a LOT To get out. But over here we’ve confirmed 100% that we DID have a TRUE NAZI – Dr Hendrik Verwoerd, the greatest leader in the history of this country. HE WAS AN ACTUAL NAZI and the Jews had him killed. I’m going to reveal the full story.
… snip …
I will do everything I can, until I am destroyed or killed, but as before, I will get every ounce of info out into the public at large in methods by which it can be shared and can be to the benefit of all whites, including those here.
All I care about is that it is time for THE WHITE RACE TO START F**KING WINNING.
There is hope. Unquestionably.
And XXX has been assisting me in ways I cannot conceive. And my lessons from team work is giving me new ideas on how it can benefit everyone.
You yourself, especially with your life long emphasis on technical skills – I do the same thing but with software. I firmly believe, and I’m going to tell everyone, that our SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, DISCIPLINE and of course courage … is what will save us. We will smash this system. This system can be smashed and I see small signs of hope on the internet. I think we can do huge things, but we must work like you have done for decades – USE OUR SCIENCE. ITS THE WHITE MAN’S MAGIC. (And its the only magic that really works).
I’ve never forgotten what you told me about using lie detectors. I think that was brilliant.
Take care,
White Shop: Hitler: Ein Volk 3-G shirt
EIN VOLK, EIN REICH, EIN FUHRER Reproduction of 1938 Nazi poster issued after the German annexation of Austria, One People, One Reich, One Leader.