An American lamented about Poor Black people – My Reply to the American


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Video & Audio: WW3: Putin‘s next step: Setting Africa on fire: Sudan - Russia & China‘s only...
In February 2023 I made a prediction that Putin will need to start conflicts on other continents, especially Africa.

An American lamented about poor Black people and that it’s a plan to keep them down

I wrote this: Poverty is from low IQ. And no we don’t need to save these people and we SHOULD NOT HELP THEM UP. I live in Africa. Leave them all alone to COLLAPSE. That is the best thing to do.

Nature is on the side of the White man. The White man must be EXTREMELY WARY of taking other races, including Jews, and giving them power and making them richer and strong. This is VERY VERY STUPID. Nietzsche told us 140 years ago, that all biological life, especally humans, strive for POWER. This is totally true and has been proven over and over again. As a White, from Africa, where we are very outnumbered and WE HAVE SEEN THE WORST OF WHAT CAN COME – I WARN YOU: DO NOT RUN AROUND HELPING ANY OTHER RACES. Keep kindness, fairness, love, empathy, STRICTLY IN GROUP! Keep it IN GROUP FFS. If you rush off to help them and feed them and give them medicine, you will be repaid in nasty ways. LEAVE NATURE ALONE. Hitler referred to nature as "The Ruthless Queen of Wisdom". Leave these other damned people alone. Whites must keep these values IN GROUP or we will unleash needless nightmares for ourselves. Nature will take care of MOST OF OUR ENEMIES if we remain IN GROUP. We are fine and we can beat EVERYONE – but stick within the group. Don’t let love, sorrow and other EMOTIONS get in the way. This is the kind of foolishness that many Christians have engaged in and it’s a waste of time. Stay with firm, hard logic, and WE WILL BE FINE AND THE FUTURE GENERATIONS WILL BE FINE.

Keep emotions like love, in group. And BEWARE of STRENGTHENING OTHER RACES. Jews will tell any lie in the MOMENT to save themselves and JEWS WILL TURN ON YOU AT ANY INSTANT WHEN THEY ARE STRONG AND HURT YOU. We in Africa have seen the Blacks, who used to be tamed and polite, and strengthening them made them 100 times worse. STOP FEELING SORRY FOR OTHER RACES. FFS DON’T INTERFERE WITH NATURE. NATURE IS WINNING GREAT VICTORIES FOR US WHICH WILL HELP MAKE LIFE EASIER FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS OF WHITES. Don’t mess with NATURE, The Ruthless Queen of Wisdom!

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Photo: Apartheid South Africa: Whites Only Beach Sign in Durban city
This is an example of the types of signs that were all over South Africa in the days of White rule, under Apartheid.

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