American writes: Isn’t it better for Blacks to live under White rule?


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White Shop: Ersatzkommando Waffen SS shirt
Ersatzkommando der Waffen SS (literally translates to Replacement Command of the Waffen SS), the 1943 Belgian World War II recruitment poster created by the National Socialist German occupying forces, and featuring Bertau art of a giant SS symbol literally slaying a Liberal/Bolshevik red dragon.

[An American wrote this to me and I replied to him. Jan]

He wrote:
One aspect (of many) in liberal democracy which I do not understand is the concept of "charity", which I presume emerges from the Christianity adopted for many centuries by Europeans. My understanding is that "charity" roughly means sacrificing some good one possesses for the best interest or highest good of another. Thus, whites should give to blacks "to help them out". Yet what is clear, and what I believe was clear even while Europe was Christian, is that the highest possible good for blacks (insofar as they continue to exist at all) is that they be subjugated by a higher race. Arab, whites, chinaman, it doesn’t really matter. They cannot subsist on their own leadership, and need order imposed on them by force, by a higher race. It confuses me because even by the liberal understanding of charity, the blacks, for their own good, should indisputably be subject to another race. To act differently is to operate in direct opposition to their best interest of the Black’s themselves

My own view is that we should leave them alone "and let nature take its course"

I replied:
You wrote some interesting stuff. But I agree with you. I will say this: That in Africa, under Colonialism/Apartheid – When Whites were the bosses in charge – that is when all these nations were growing like crazy even with small numbers of Whites around. BLACK LEADERSHIP is actually the dumbest idea ever conceived. However, the possibility for Whites is that we can EASILY break out of this – despite our small numbers and in many areas of life in South Africa Whites have attained certain dominance or never lost it. e.g. Top Banks and big corporations have kept a White (often Afrikaans) man in the top "Operational" position because the job is so demanding and critical. Or in engineering or especially medical areas. White excellence begins to shine and no amount of helping the Blacks makes a difference. We, the European race can win in SEVERAL DIFFERENT WAYS. We can win in SOFT WAYS, but we can also win in HARD WAYS. Handing over our nations and civilization to Blacks and others, is quite frankly insane. But, we still have masses of power in all sorts of forms and we can claw our way back. The biggest problem facing Whites is: (a) Ignorance about race/history (b) Fear (basically Jewish Terrorism).

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