American Reader asks: What about the Blacks with the new Land Grab Law to seize more White Farms?


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Video & Audio: BLUTCAST EPISODE TEN: Jews create White Inefficiency
These guys are very smart NAZIs with their own flag and uniforms and they are very disciplined. We had a really good chat about many topics. Eventually we had a detailed chat about how Jews mess up Western civilisation with their garbage and malicious ideas.

[One of my supporters asked this question. Jan]

>Thanks again and I would ask about some news I am hearing about more govt dictates of
>land grab of White farms in SA, I would hope to hear your thoughts in your next

I replied:

I’ll give you my thoughts quickly now. The Blacks are Commies and they’ve wanted to seize the land before. And there was a complex process with rules which they and the whites agreed on. That process ended more than a decade ago, and the Blacks got to steal a lot of White farms. But then they realised that there were still lots more farms that they didn’t get and that the White man is still farming – despite about 2/3rds of the White farmers having been destroyed. There’s still 1/3rd left. And they are still rocking. Julius Malema, was one of the main movers behind the new attempt to steal more land from the Whites. Also, they don’t just want to steal farms. They actually want to steal houses in the suburbs, shopping malls, and virtually any building or any property. I’ve spoken to lawyers and this is what is actually in the law. So the Blacks basically want another round of theft because they didn’t steal enough the first time and most of what they’ve stolen has failed and gone bankrupt but the remaining White farmers are still managing to survive and pack a punch. Even the Jewish Oppenheimers were trying to drive White Farmers off the land by using a company to buy up all the land – I think this was almost 10 years ago. Even so, the White farmers are still a force to be reckoned with.

So they wrote up a new law, but this is where the Jews and the DA come into play. As you know I wrote that Ramaphosa is a Black who converted to Judaism, so he is the Jewish Spy and snake inside the ANC. He’s also a billionaire – of course! Oh, and Ramaphosa worked for the JEWISH OPPENHEIMER’S WHO OWN SOUTH AFRICA (LITERALLY). So the super rich Jews have their snake and traitor hidden inside Black politics. Ramaphosa has signed the law I think, but the rest of the Blacks are now realising that this law is very probably rigged and it won’t give them the right to steal as much as they are hoping for. So they’re already unhappy!

I’m not even worried about this law, nor other laws where the Blacks came to finish us off. The Whites are much more organised and have legal teams and have money, plus the Jews also now have their own spy and traitor in the ANC – Ramaphosa. All these laws now lack more teeth. Maybe they’ll be able to grab a bit of land, but it won’t be a fraction of what they were hoping to grab. I’ve not looked at the law but I wouldn’t be surprised if all kinds of clauses and conditions are in there. I don’t think it will be as bad as the previous laws were. The fact that various Black politicians are unhappy about this, shows me that Ramaphosa’s law is rigged and it won’t amount to much. He’s working happily with the Jewish Oppenheimers who created him.

The only Black to watch is Zuma. Zuma is still fighting away and he knows full well that Ramaphosa is a traitor and the real fight among the Blacks is Ramaphosa vs Zuma. I think Zuma will get more and more powerful, but the Blacks have wasted 30 years! And now their politics is divided. There’s no way that the Blacks have the unity and the political will to really smash the Whites like in the past. So I’m not even worried. In my view, Whites have survived the WORST OF THE WORST. We’re already coming out the other side of the dark tunnel we were in, and we should be focusing on our politics and on how we can work toward Self rule. White Self Rule – a Volkstaat – will be the only game changer. That will make the Blacks and Jews crazy. Volkstaat is the only game I’m interested in. That’s when Whites can really break free. I will be discussing this in videos. I’ve looked into this a lot.

The Blacks had their best years, they made the big mistake of WASTING TIME AND WASTING MONEY, and we’ve survived the worst. Stick around. If the Whites can only realise that we are home free, we could do awesome things – but it will be very very wild!!! We are wilder than they are, once we get rolling!!! Don’t be fooled by the past. You’ve not seen Whites going into action!!

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Video: BANNED: Why Dylann Roof is RIGHT Whites UNDER-REACT to Racial threats
This was my first full length video I made. It was 1 hour long. It was banned everywhere.

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