All Whites choose the EASY WAY OUT first: The Scots drowning in Diversity – The Weak South Africans & Rhodesians


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Video: What Adolf Hitler said about the Boers
I decided to look in Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf (My Struggle) to see what he said about the Boers. Few know of his obsession with the Boers when he was a young man. In Mein Kampf I found many references which indicated that Hitler had a knowledge even of the black tribes that live in South Africa.

[This is from a discussion I had with a supporter. Jan]

The supporter wrote:
Yes Scotland now has Humza Yousef as its leader. The leader of the Labour Party in Scotland Anas Sarwar is another Pakistani Muslim. The last leader of the Scottish "Conservative" party was a self proclaimed lesbian !!! The Scots have really gone down the road of miscegenation and self destruction, they would rather hate "the English" than alien invaders. The primary school photographs these days its spot the white child. When offered the opportunity to vote for real "nationalists" time and time again they have failed to do so. Much like the failure of the majority of white South Africans who refused to vote for HNP or AWB and put more value on being able to participate in international sports than the future of their children and grandchildren. The traitors like De Klerk disappeared off to their European bolt holes. Not for them the hell hole that SA has become.

My Reply
I read your points with interest.

I am sorry to hear this about Scotland. I had been led to believe that the Scots really wanted their freedom and that they were a proud and spunky little nation of Whites.

Can you believe, in my own family, that my oldest sister married a Mcleod – a big strapping guy – and that guy could barely speak ENGLISH – he was born in South Africa! Those McLeods had merged into the Boers and spoke mainly Afrikaans!!! But their heritage was right back to Scotland!!! (It does show how easily Whites can merge with other Whites – and it works great!).

I was keen to see the Scottish breaking away from Britain a few years ago, and then it never happened. I really was hoping they would do that. I suspected that maybe the English managed to draw the Scots back somehow with money? What happened to that?

I was so excited to see the Scots standing with Europe … or so it seemed.

Feel free to send links regarding Scotland. I did not know that the Whites are so outnumbered by non-whites there? Are you serious? I never imagined that.

Re: Scots not voting for real nationalists and their weaknesses like the South Africans.

I know what you’re talking about. The South Africans were hoping to play international rugby again … what a small thing that is compared to LOSING YOUR NATION!

The real issue with Whites is that our leadership structures are destroyed and they are replaced with weaker and weaker and more pathetic characters. When I look around the world it’s happened everywhere. There is no White country that survived this. This makes me think of what Hitler stood for. He was against these "small people".

WHITES ARE BROKEN DOWN – and it happens slowly and globalism and liberals and you-know-who are all busy hard at work at it. Nowadays, I see this as the results of Capitalism. Capitalism makes you weak and pathetic. It takes you away from NATION and then you’re just running around trying to get a few pennies here and there to stick into your bank a/c. You’re a slave to the rich AND YOU NEVER THINK OF WHAT IS IMPORTANT.

ALSO, WHITES WILL ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE EASY WAY OUT. But one by one, those doors close. And, I have seen too THAT THE MONEY DRIES UP. All the easy ways out slowly disappear and later the money dries up … and Whites are left high and dry.

Liberalism ALWAYS leads to Communism, it seems to me.

But the good news is that this is not the end of the line. When TRUE HARDSHIP sets in, you’ll see how determined whites are. Whites are just not TAUGHT how to fight back in a political system that has been STOLEN by someone else. And I am hoping that people will pick up info from what I do. I’ve seen how the enemy fights us – including the Blacks and I’ve seen the methods.

When Whites realise the nightmare they are in, they will begin fighting back.

I am sorry to hear that the Scots "Hate the English" and would rather deal with non-Whites than deal with the English. That is like the English who hate Germans and they think they’ll do better with Indians and non-Whites than with their own brethren.

The fact that EVERYONE is experiencing this hell is REALLY GOOD. I think this might be the best thing that has ever happened to our race in it’s history.

The weaklings in South Africa are a story by themselves. How De Klerk came into being, and how these fools came to do what they did.

Rest assured, that HISTORY (and I know you’re a history buff), shows that the strong have to arise again and fight back. And that’s why EVERYONE needs to do his or her "bit". It’s healthy for us.

The White race now suffers from the HUGE PROBLEM of PARASITE OVERLOAD EVERYWHERE! And we need to fight back. Don’t worry. We are far from finished.

The most important thing is to WAKE WHITES UP – one at a time. Once enough people understand the nightmare, they’ll fight back. We all have it in our DNA.

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Video & Audio: Hitler Vs Gandhi Non-Violence vs How you really get your FREEDOM!
We take a look at Hitlers love of the British and the British Empire. We look at what he thought about Gandhi. What would he have thought about the events that later happened in Africa? Also, what are Hitlers thoughts about how you get your freedom?

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