Afrikaner Liberals are a Poisonous Cancer
Video: A Rich Jew treats aged Whites like cattle: They are Malnourished and thrown out
In this video we take a look at a very wealthy Jew in Queensland, Australia who owned an old age home. He just shut the old age home down and literally threw them out on the street.
[I spotted this interesting letter in the SpringBok Club”s cyber newsletter from someone here in S.Africa. It is good to see the spirit of South Africa alive and well in some people”s minds.
The writer says that Afrikaner Liberals, apart from savaging anyone who dares tell it like it is, are “most dangerous” and that if it were not for them, the ANC would not be in control of S.Africa today.
I must agree with this appreciation – and I will go one better – I will say this: If White people don”t start uniting, and standing together and kicking against the ANC”s Socialism, then this country is going to go to hell in a handbasket all the sooner. Many people fear standing their ground because they will be SAVAGED like happened to Dr Phillip Du Toit, Dan Roodt and others – but, it is important that we all develop a spirit where we support each other, and try, as a group to say our say. We don”t need to plant bombs. That”s the stupid thing to do – and nothing positive has come from any violence on the side of the right.
We need to use our voices and our contacts both inside and outside this country. Indeed, I believe having contacts outside this country is *CRUCIAL* in this game, because the ANC can”t run around the planet intimidating everyone. The White disapora can play a very important role. In this modern age with such ease of communication, we can work together in a way that has never occurred before in history.
One can see the effectiveness of the Rhodesian World Wide Network, in conjunction with people inside Zimbabwe and see just how they managed to undo Mugabe”s campaign. Mugabe wanted to run White farmers off the land and do it in secrecy (like he killed the 20,000(43)+ Matabeles) – but in that he failed. His evil was openly exposed for the whole world to see… and that was the work of our informal networks. Sadly, we don”t have stronger clout (not yet anyway), so we could not actually get anyone to undo what he did. But you never know… it is a big world out there… and all we need are friends… then maybe magic things could happen. (In some ways I think having a White diaspora spread across the planet may be one of those cases of “every cloud has a silver lining”).
Some far-seeing people in South Africa, like my good friend Dr Chris Jordaan, have spoken about the need for similar, and even stronger networks to be set up made of ex-South Africans, with all of us playing a role, so that we can be ready for the ANC as they shove more and more Socialism down our collective throats. (I wish we could see more activity from Namibians in this regard – because we”re all in the same boat).
The point I”m trying to make, and to reinforce what the writer below said is this: Mbeki”s ANC, and Mugabe”s ZANU(PF) can only walk away with total victory – IF WE LET THEM. The thing to do, is to oppose them in an intelligent way. There is no need for violence. If violence comes, then it will be from their side first anyway – as it always has. But we need to use our ability to communicate our situation to people across the world, because that is where we will get support.
I feel it is extremely important for us to oppose, through words, what the ANC is doing. But talking about it in S.Africa alone will achieve nothing because here the Liberal Media are their lap dogs as well as their attack dogs, and they will trash us and ignore us. But the world is composed of much more than the S.African Media – and once again, it is important that we get word to people outside Africa because that is where it counts and that is where it hurts. It hurts their image, it hurts investment and it could hurt AID to them one day.
I am firmly of the opinion, that Black Africa”s greedy, wasteful and corrupt rulers are busy digging their own grave by cheating the rest of the world when it comes to AID. The world is slowly wising up. Were it not for Socialist Tony Blair, George Bush would not have allowed the $40 billion in debt to be written off. I firmly believe there is a slow, but discernable trend whereby Black African leaders are losing credibility and people are slowly, ever so slowly, starting to realise that we White Africans knew what we were talking about all along. We could become the “Swing Vote”… and we might actually have the ability to hurt Black Africans financially, big-time, in the years and decades to come. We must not sell ourselves short and think we are powerless. Black Africa can”t finance itself, and it is heavily dependent on foreign donors – even to just keep the countries afloat. I cannot see the “New Order” surviving very long here in Africa. The New Order is unsustainable – financially – and in many other ways. Combine that with ever greater “Afro-Pessimism” which is growing in the rest of the world… and I think things cannot remain as they are for too many years.
We Whites must just keep on working away at telling the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth, while Mbeki and Mugabe continue lying. Eventually, we will have credibility and they will not. And that could be the starting point from which great things can happen for us.
If we are effective in making our voices heard, it will make them mad as hell, but that will be the sign that we are doing the right thing. I think the ANC has reneged on the agreements signed in Kempton Park – and we might as well say: You broke your side of the deal, and we”re no longer working with you. You cheated us, and we are no longer co-operating with you. I firmly believe that “working with them” will only result in us digging our own graves in the long run. For example, they will tell us that we MUST work with “Land Reform” or else there will be a rebellion and Blacks will be so desperate they will seize the land. What nonsense! We should be opposing Land Reform at every twist and turn. We must realise that we are the sane ones here, and if our voices are not heard, then this country will end up on the rubbish heap, just like Zimbabwe is now.
Our highest priority should be to:-(a) Grow our network – especially outside Africa. (b) Win friends in the rest of the world at all levels (from grass roots upwards to influential people).
I don”t believe our situation is as hopeless as the ANC would like us to believe. If we work hard and stick together, I think there is much hope for us. Either we will be able to help create a new post-ANC, post-Zanu(PF) political order, or maybe we can even get our own Homeland/Nation of our own one day – That would be the ultimate prize. Jan]
Sir,South Africa is falling apart, slowly but surely. It is an inevitability,given the circumstances which govern the rest of the continent.
People say the economy is “booming” but you should read Dan Roodt”s piececalled “Adapt and Die”. I think you should print what he says. It”s all desperately true, but of course there are the hordes of politically correct critics who have labelled him“right-wing” and who simply refuse to believe what their eyes and ears tell them. It”s a sickness in this White society here – a desire to kill the messenger (see what they did to Phillip du Toit) and as far as I”mconcerned, these liberals – Afrikaans liberals – are the most dangerouselement in this society.
It is they who landed us where we are today, not the Blacks who could never have landed where they are without the help of liberalism throughout the world and particularly the Afrikaans liberal in our midst.
They are a poisonous cancer in this country. They will never admit they are wrong, and they savage anyone who is not politically correct. I”ve never seen anything like it.
Yours etc.,G.O.K., Transvaal.
2010: S.Africa: Julius Malema incited Blacks to rape, torture & murder Afrikaans farm owners
An Afrikaans farmer and his family fled South Africa after deciding to lay charges against Julius Malema. In his affidavit he said that 2380 Afrikaners had been murdered in the last 16 years and some had been tortured.