Africa: 1960s: Early Decolonisation: Katanga: The bizarre mystery of the death of Dag Hammarskjöld


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When you learn about the Jews it really shocks your system. I discuss nutty ideas on the White Right & how nobody was nuttier than me. But this nuttiness is good news. Whites are DISCONNECTING from the Jew World Order. Its time to dump it.

[This is part of a reply I wrote to a French supporter about this plane crash wherein a UN guy died and it was the stuff of legend, conspiracy and mystery for decades. Jan]

I wrote:
Thanks for your Dag Hammarskjold story.

I never knew someone admitted to killing him. But it is a second hand story so I am skeptical. His death caused much conspiracy theories here in Africa. But, in the last year I read a Rhodesian book. I would need to go and check again. I think I saw it in a book written by the best Rhodesian air force guy. I remember reading that the death of Dag was well known to the Rhodesian military because Rhodesia at that stage still controlled what is now Zambia. His book was written in recent years and he pooh poohed the conspiracy theories. He gave some reasons as to why the Rhodesian military and air force knew what was going on and that the crash was due to errors. That guy was not shot down. The plane was badly flown and I think they even crashed into the ground. To me it was so clear and matter-of-fact, that I put aside all previous conspiracy theories. I am skeptical about the story of the shoot down. I will look at it closer. But it seems to be linked to a movie that came out. So I trust the story even less.

I don’t think it really meant much, and if it did, it definitely worked for the Whites because all Whites were on the side of Katanga. I’m sure I did some kind of video about Katanga. The Katanga rebellion was weird and it was one of those weird things from the early days of decolonisation.

I found the video:

Before I forget watch this video I did about a French pilot who fought the UN alone in Katanga:

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