A Note I wrote to Boers: How I awakened to the Jewish Issue and was shocked…
Video & Audio: BLUTCAST EPISODE TEN: Jews create White Inefficiency
These guys are very smart NAZIs with their own flag and uniforms and they are very disciplined. We had a really good chat about many topics. Eventually we had a detailed chat about how Jews mess up Western civilisation with their garbage and malicious ideas.
[This is a note I wrote to some folks I know. Jan]
I USED TO HAVE JEWISH BEST FRIENDS, EVEN IN JERUSALEM IN ISRAEL, I WAS IN A SYNAGOGUE – I USED TO BELIEVE EVERYTHING JEWS TOLD ME: I used to know a lot of Jews, and some of them were best friends. They’d visit me or I’d visit them. I worked with Jews. My best Jewish friend was about 19 years older than me. He was very clever. He was cleverer than most Jews. I also had a good Jewish friend in Jerusalem, and we emailed almost daily. *I USED TO BELIEVE EVERYTHING JEWS TOLD ME. I BELIEVED THEY WERE WHITES WITH A DIFFERENT RELIGION. I BELIEVED EVERYTHING THEY TOLD ME. When a topic came up – any topic, religion, Israel, Hitler, WW2 – anything – I used to email or phone my Jewish friends for their input. I spoke directly to Jews. I dealt directly with Jews. I worked with Jews. I knew them and they knew me. I even at a point, allowed my Best Jewish friend to post his own articles on my AfricanCrisis Website. I believed EVERYTHING JEWS TOLD ME INCLUDING THEIR STORIES OF HITLER AND THE JEWISH HOLOCAUST. I BELIEVED ALL OF JEWISH HISTORY.
I DID NOT BELIEVE MY BEST GERMAN FRIEND: I had a German friend who was as old as my Jewish friend. I like military history and the German Army always fascinated me, despite me hearing how "EVIL" Hitler and the Germans were. The Wehrmacht fascinated me BECAUSE I LIKE EXCELLENCE. I could never quite hate them, because I admired what they achieved. I believed Hitler had slaughtered Jews. I even watched entire detailed series of British documentaries about the Holocaust and how the Germans killed the Jews. Sadly, I can’t find those holocaust documentaries because I think the British have withdrawn them. The best I ever saw was a British documentary of the holocaust (perhaps late 1980s early 1990s) and one thing that stood out was the lack of photos and videos. The entire story was done with 3D graphics – telling the tale of how the NAZIS murdered millions of Jews. I believed it. In about 1992, one day, my older German friend was at my house and he said this to me: "Jan, about the holocaust. We did not murder the Jews. We put them into work camps." When he told me that, I did not believe him. I DID NOT BELIEVE MY GERMAN FRIEND FOR 20 YEARS. I believed the JEWS. And I spoke to them about Hitler, the NAZIS, the Germans. And I listened and BELIEVED everything they told me.
HOW DID I CHANGE? – On AfricanCrisis, I had supporters who spoke about the Jews. They’d speak about Jesus, the Bible, etc. Then I would say to them: I’m not really that interested in Bible and Jews. I want to know if Jews are a force in the real world. I had an American friend, who was a close friend, Jeff. And Jews was deeply into history. He was a freaking history book. Jeff and I discussed the Jews, and Jeff concluded: The JEWS are NOT A FORCE LIKE THE USA OR RUSSIA. Jews are a tiny group. They don’t really have much power. AND I AGREED WITH JEFF. Jews cannot be a force. I even banned people off my website if they raised the issue of Jews. I WAS 100% PRO-JEW, PRO-ISRAEL. I never listened to Muslims and Arabs. Then some Americans began telling me that Hitler said that Jews were behind Communism. Now that interested me. I HATE COMMUNISM and all these Blacks in Africa are communists. I raised the issue with my Jewish friend, and he said it was all nonsense. But it stuck in the back of my head. I visited America in 2010. My first time ever. I went to an awesome, ENORMOUS bookshop – it was like a warehouse, and I spent most of a day looking for books. I had wanted a good book about the NAZIS. I had never read about the NAZIS. I did not know where they came from. I wanted a good, solid, history book. I bought one, by a British author, called "The Rise of the NAZIS". I told myself: I DON’T WANT TO READ A BUNCH OF GERMAN PROPAGANDA SHIT. I want an OBJECTIVE HISTORY. The book was well acclaimed, so I bought it. The book lay in my house for 2 years (as books often do), before I felt the desire to read it. I read the story of the Germans after WW1, when Germany was beaten. Germans were very unhappy and there were communists in Germany. I was amazed to find Communists in Germany in the 1920s, SPEAKING LIKE JULIUS MALEMA. There were communists inciting Germans to KILL EACH OTHER. In this good, English history book, they gave the names and stories of different Communists. As I was reading the book, chapter by chapter, ONE DAY A HORRIFIC REALISATION HIT ME. I read yet another Communist name and suddenly, I thought: That name is definitely JEWISH. But hold on, wasn’t the previous one a Jew? And the one before that, and the one before that? SUDDENLY I WAS CREEPED OUT, 90% OF THE COMMUNISTS WHO WERE INCITING VIOLENCE AND URGING GERMANS TO KILL EACH OTHER WERE JEWS!!! Then I thought! Good God!!! But Hitler had said JEWS WERE BEHIND COMMUNISM. That was what triggered my path away from Jews and to digging into their history. The real history of Jews and Communism has a lot more to it than that. But that was the beginning. And I’d phone my Jewish friend, or he’d be in my house and I’d ask him: Wasn’t that German Communist from the 1920s JEWISH? And he would say yes. (He knew his history very well – he was more intelligent than most Jews). That was the beginning of my parting of way with Jews. I then began to look at my JEWISH BEST FRIEND, and he loved meeting Blacks, and hobnobbing with Blacks here in Johannesburg. Then one day he told me that HE MET NELSON MANDELA PERSONALLY AND HOW AWESOME NELSON MANDELA WAS. I did not say much, but I was horrified. No Afrikaner would act like this. I thought WTF? Then I looked at my Jewish friends, and their viewpoints. My best Jewish friend, one day, was visiting me, and he was standing in my kitchen while I was making us some coffee. We were talking about Boere, and he began to blurt out how much he HATED AFRIKANER NATIONALISM. He got visibly furious. It ENRAGED HIM. I had never been against Apartheid. I did not see anything wrong that we did. I understood White power and the need for Whites to have power in Africa, whether it was South Africa or Rhodesia, or Mozambique or SWA. I LIKED WHITE POWER AND WAS VERY GRATEFUL THAT PEOPLE WERE FIGHTING FOR IT. But here’s my Jewish friend, loving Nelson Mandela, hobnobbing with rich and powerful Blacks and he hates Afrikaner power!! I knew this Jewish guy for over 20 Years. I knew him personally. We’d worked together. But now I’m seeing a side of him I never knew before. One day, when he was sitting in my lounge and we were having some coffee/tea a creepy cold thought came over me as I listened to him speak: THIS MAN SITTING IN MY HOUSE IS MY ENEMY. HE IS THE ENEMY OF MY PEOPLE. HE IS THE ENEMY OF WHITES. I CANNOT DESCRIBE THE THOUGHTS THAT HIT ME ONCE I BEGAN TO GRASP THESE THINGS – IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST SHOCKING CHANGES THAT EVER OCCURRED TO ME IN MY LIFE. He and I had endless arguments over Liberalism. We had arguments about Liberalism, the reality of race and human differences – we had in depth discussions on these points for YEARS. We debated and argued for YEARS and I saw but this guy never backs down. He ignores the evidence. Once I realised about the Jewish Communists in Weimar Germany, and I looked closely at my best Jewish friend and other Jews, I parted company with my Jewish friend in December 2012. It was exactly 20 years since my German friend had told me, "Jan, we never killed the Jews. We just put them into work camps." – BUT I still did not believe the HOLOCAUST
THE FIRST JEWISH THING I STUDIED DEEPLY: THE WW2 GERMAN HOLOCAUST OF THE JEWS – Once I had grasped that Jews are not a friend, but an enemy that lives right next door to you – literally. I began thinking about the holocaust. If Jews played a role in the REAL WORLD in Communism, and Jews were lying about things – what about the biggest Jewish story? The Holocaust? An American lady I had known for over a decade sent me a documentary a young guy made about the holocaust. I watched it. I was amazed by the data he had. After that, I watched every holocaust documentary I could lay my hands on, and I double checked their facts. I read articles on the holocaust. I discovered people had gone to the "extermination camps" and what they found. Over about 3 years, I looked at everything I could find. I always cross checked it and wanted to make sure this isn’t a bunch of crap. To my utter horror, I began to realise so many thing about the Jews who wrote the holocaust stories, and I began to realise what was actually going on and above all, the EVIDENCE, the historical and physical evidence wasn’t there. I had read, for example, when I was a teenager, a Readers Digest book about how the Germans killed the Jews in the gas chambers. It stuck in my mind because it was so horrific. Now, decades later, remembering what I’d read and what was now on the Internet, I discover that those stories don’t add up. Even the British don’t tell those stories the way they used to. I watched film footage where people went to those camps and looked around. There was even a young Jew who actually made a video saying the holocaust was a lie. Within a few years, older Jews soon shut him up and kicked him into line.
OTHER MASSIVE JEWISH LIES ABOUT HISTORY – Once I had spent a couple of years looking into the Jewish holocaust and realising that there is no evidence and there never was any real evidence for it – I then began hunting around myself, wondering what other Jewish lies there were. I found all sorts of stories. I found huge things. There is a special Jewish lie that is enormous. AND EVERYONE IN THE WORLD BELIEVES IT. It is from EUROPE. EVERYONE IN THE WORLD BELIEVES THIS JEWISH LIE TO THIS DAY. It’s a Jewish lie about Christians and it is about Christians slaughtering Jews!!! I’ve been meaning for ages to do a video about that lie. EVERYONE BELIEVES IT. I’ve got a partially completed video about it which I need to finish. The more I looked into various aspects of Jewish history, and the stories the Jews tell, the more I found. Very quietly, some academics and scientists, find the truth and even push the Jewish stories back. It happens very quietly. More and more Jewish things are being disproved. There’s another Jewish story, about the Jews and the Romans, that I also want to do a video about. Something I’ve realised, but this is extremely hard to prove – this will take a lot of work – is that IN RECENT CENTURIES Jews changed themselves. In recent centuries, Jews began to CHANGE THEIR OWN IMAGE. Jews began to adopt things, including symbols, and Jews began to change how they are viewed. They adopted symbols and started practising various "Jewish things" which they never did before. BUT THEY CLAIM IT IS THOUSANDS OF YEARS OLD. But it’s not. This is an area that will be very difficult to dig into, but I’ve come across various hints that this may have taken place. Jews might have begun giving themselves a "make over" in the last 200 – 250 years". Part of this make over may be in order to claim "The Holy Land" of Israel along with the rise of Zionism (Jewish Nationalism). This is an area I’ve not looked at. But this is possible.
I am quite happy to do SHORTS or SUMMARIES of important videos that you think might reach a wider audience if I did something shorter. Just contact me and give me a list of videos, even really long ones, like 6 hours, if you want a SHORT or a SUMMARY. Then Ill fit it into my schedule and that way, in some weeks I might release a normal video plus a short or summary.