A German Economic Genius: Dr Richard Werner: Modern Banking & Economics is a total scam


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[I was reading an article written by Dr Werner, which I have already published here. But I spent some time going through it in detail, though I'm not finished. A friend of mine in the USA told me that he thinks this guy is amazing, and I most definitely agree. I might even study his stuff more. He caught my attention when he said that modern Banking CREATES MONEY when it makes loans. I sat back and thought about my own days in banking and what I knew, and I think he is right. I think he describes it perfectly accurately. Furthermore what really began to blow my mind was when I began to realise that he questions EVERYTHING about economics. There are many things in economics that are regarded as totally proven. e.g. Supply Vs Demand curves and pricing. I think this guy has uncovered and has scientifically proven the total fallacies of the fake Free Market economics which we in the Anglo-American world worship so much. I had been thinking recently, that there have to be a lot of scams and lies in what we consider to be Free Market Economics. Werner indeed tears into this and shows what bunk many concepts are. This brings me back to my own conclusions that Hitler's National Socialist economy, and his methods were the ONLY REASONABLE WAY TO RUN AN ECONOMY. I, personally, even question whether concepts like "The Free Market" are actually real. I will return to this guy, but I just wanted to tell you, that when I began to grasp what he was saying about other junk economic ideas, which we all believe are true, I was blown away. This man is a genius and he knows his stuff AND he has already done the work with the necessary scientific proofs to back up what he is saying. Even when I worked in a bank, I used to ponder the size of the organisation and its vast amount of money, and yet I'd look at what we were doing and I was wondering if this was really necessary. It seemed like a very bloated operation. Now, after reading some of Werner's stuff, I think indeed, banks are scams and central banks are the biggest scam. I've been aware that central banks are a huge scam. But he made the point clearer. We Whites need to break out of this junk system and chart our way forward using other methods. It appears to me, from something else I had also studied, that German economists are much more level headed and intellectual than the weak pathetic grovelling dogs of the Anglo-American world. The German economists think in proper, real terms. It excites me. I think the sooner we can break out of all these scams, the sooner you will see the real power of our people. We are controlled through garbage ideas and lies. In that sense, we are kept captive. But what is fantastic, is how, even with crap like COVID, I think Whites are breaking FREE mentally of so many of the bad things that came from WW2. Jan]

Here is a bit about Dr Werner from Wikipedia. This guy is definitely of value for long term study:

Richard Andreas Werner (born 5 January 1967) is a German banking and development economist who is a university professor at De Montfort University.

He has proposed the "Quantity Theory of Credit", or "Quantity Theory of Disaggregated Credit", which disaggregates credit creation used for the real economy (GDP transactions) on the one hand, and financial transactions on the other hand.[1] In 1995, he proposed a new monetary policy to swiftly deal with banking crises, which he called ‘Quantitative Easing’, published in the Nikkei. [2] He also first used the expression "QE2" in public, referring to the need to implement ‘true quantitative easing’ as an expansion in credit creation.[3] His 2001 book ‘Princes of the Yen’ was a number one general bestseller in Japan. In 2014 he published the first empirical evidence that each bank creates credit when it issues a new loan. [4]

1 Early life
2 Career
3 Selected works
4 Honors
5 References
6 External links
Early life
In 1989, Werner earned a BSc in economics at the London School of Economics (LSE). During his postgraduate studies at Oxford University he spent over a year in Japan, studying at the University of Tokyo and working at the Nomura Research Institute.[5] His DPhil in economics was conferred by Oxford. In 1991, he became European Commission-sponsored Marie Curie Fellow at the Institute for Economics and Statistics at Oxford.[5] His 1991 discussion paper at the institute warned about the imminent ‘collapse’ of the Japanese banking system and the threat of the "greatest recession since the Great Depression". In Tokyo, he also became the first Shimomura Fellow at the Research Institute for Capital Formation at the Development Bank of Japan. He was a Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies at the Bank of Japan; and he was a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Monetary and Fiscal Studies at the Ministry of Finance.[5]

Werner was chief economist of Jardine Fleming from 1994 to 1998 and published several articles on the Japanese credit cycle and monetary policy, many of which are in Japanese. In 1997, he joined the faculty of Sophia University in Tokyo.[5] Werner was senior managing director and senior portfolio manager at Bear Stearns Asset Management. He worked at the University of Southampton for 14 years, mainly as Chair and Professor in International Banking.[5] He is the founding director of the university’s Centre for Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development and organiser of the European Conference on Banking and the Economy (ECOBATE), first held on 29 September 2011 in Winchester Guildhall, with Lord Adair Turner, FSA Chairman, as keynote speaker. From 2011 to 2019, he was a member of the ECB Shadow Council.[citation needed]

Werner has developed a theory of money creation called the Quantity Theory of Credit, which is in line with Schumpeter’s credit theory of money.[6] He has argued, since 1992, that the banking sector needs to be reflected appropriately in macroeconomic models since it is the main creator and allocator of the money supply, through the process of credit creation by individual banks.[7]

Werner’s book Princes of the Yen, about the modern economic development of Japan, including the bubble of the 1990s and subsequent bust, was a number one general bestseller in Japan in 2001.[8] The book covers the monetary policy of the Bank of Japan specifically and central bank informal guidance of bank credit in general.[9]

Werner proposed a policy he called "quantitative easing" in Japan in 1994 and 1995. At the time working as chief economist of Jardine Fleming Securities (Asia) Ltd. in Tokyo, he used this expression during presentations to institutional investors in Tokyo. It is also, among others, in the title of an article he published on September 2, 1995, in the Nihon Keizai Shinbun (Nikkei).[10] According to Werner, he used this phrase in order to propose a new form of monetary stimulation policy by the central bank that relied neither on interest rate reductions (which Werner claimed in his Nikkei article would be ineffective) nor on the conventional monetarist policy prescription of expanding the money supply (e.g. through "printing money", expanding high-powered money, expanding bank reserves or boosting deposit aggregates such as M2 –all of which Werner also claimed would be ineffective).[11] Instead, Werner argued, it was necessary and sufficient for an economic recovery to boost "credit creation", through a number of measures.[10] He also suggested direct purchases of non-performing assets from the banks by the central bank; direct lending to companies and the government by the central bank; purchases of commercial paper, other debt, and equity instruments from companies by the central bank; and stopping the issuance of government bonds to fund the public sector borrowing requirement, instead having the government borrow directly from banks through a standard loan contract.[12][13]

Werner is founding director and chairman of Local First Community Interest Company, which promotes the establishment of not-for-profit local community banks, modelled on the successful German local co-operative, Raiffeisen and Sparkasse savings banks that have enabled German small firms to become top exporters and job creators in Germany.[14]

In 2019, Werner took out a discrimination case against his employer, Southampton University, claiming he was discriminated against and ‘victimised’ in a ‘harassment and bullying’ campaign for being German and Christian, during his 14 years career at the university. The £2.5m payout was one of the largest awards ever made by a British tribunal and was so high because the university failed to defend itself although the University are appealing the decision.[15]

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Werner

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